Blog /These People Know Public Space

February 09, 2006 05:52 +0000  |  Activism Public Space The Toronto Public Space Committee Why I'm Here 1

I had a really busy night tonight but since I've not had much sleep in the past few days (not that I don't enjoy spending time with so many friends, I just don't think my system can support such a social life for extended intervals) I won't be going into great detail as to what my night included.

Basically tonight was very much in the column of Why I'm Here. It started with a presentation from FoodShare where I got to pick their brains about why they aren't pushing for green houses on green roofs. My attendance for the presentation was cut short however by the fact that The Toronto Public Space Committee was holding a general meeting in the same building one floor down.

So, just as the FoodShare presentation was finishing, I took off down the stairs and into the council chambers in Metro Hall. There were about 40 people there tonight, section heads from almost every faction of the committee attended and shared information with the lot of us in an effort to try to get everyone who was interested in doing something talking to the right people.

Subjects covered included things like billboards, the Ontario provincial energy plan, the upcoming municipal election, the city's Street Furniture Harmonisation bid, Art Attack and Ad Trucks. There was even a request from the couple behind newmindspace for volunteers to help with a secret project this Valentines day... (I signed up)

Unlike previous group meetings I'd attended, those who spoke actually had intelligent things to say. People appeared organised and dedicated, spoke with thought and purpose. It was clear that this group wants to get shit done.

After the general meeting we retreated to a little pub for fooding and conversation. I mingled with a few tables, giving out my email address to people who asked. One of the more memorable moments was when we had an interesting conversation about a culture-jamming idea for educating the public regarding where their food comes from. In the space of 5 minutes and 3 brains, we developed a whole action plan for marketing, dissemination, and projected costs. It was awesome.

The TPSC is free to join and they always need new people. They're the ones who actually do the legwork to prevent crap like those super-sized garbage cans from being erected everwhere. If you're interested in taking part, the website is full of information -- or just get a hold of me and I'll hook you up.

I'll be getting involved with Art Attack, the upcoming municipal election and possibly more urban design issues as they become available. Exciting times ;-)


12 Feb 2006, 3:24 p.m.  | 

totally off-topic but it's 20 degrees here in the daytime in sf and the sun's shining. are you jealous? i noticed -9 degrees on your weather chart. :) Miss ya.

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