
May 05, 2007 17:16 +0000  |  CCTV Public Space The Toronto Public Space Committee 0

Just a quick note. CCTV was big in The Toronto Star today and an interview with me made it into one of them.

The first article refers to CCTV as nothing more than a "social placebo", and the second is an in-depth look at Toronto's program specifically, closing with a suggestion that we make an official Charter challenge against these cameras.

Now I don't think the TPSC has the kind of resources available to launch a Charter challenge. Hell, I'm not even sure what kind of resources would be required. Maybe we can petition the privacy commissioner to do it for us though? Does that sort of thing happen? Would a legal clinic help? I honestly don't know, but I'm going to find out.

April 30, 2007 21:59 +0000  |  Activism Public Space Street Furniture The Toronto Public Space Committee Urban Design 1

I attended Toronto's Executive Committee meeting today to depute on the new Street Furniture Harmonisation Program. Unlike the the last time deputed at City Hall however, my deputation was much clearer. Sadly though, despite the stronger opposition this time, we lost everything.

This whole Strong Mayor system is quite interesting really. Basically, you have a group of councillors who's sole function is to vote as the Mayor wishes -- regardless of what their constituents want or what they personally feel. This was most evident in Councillor Moscoe's statement that he was going to vote for this project, but he'd be "holding his nose" in doing so. I was appalled really at the lack of interest in Democracy.

We had city staff, who despite the high praise hefted upon them by Miller, really did a shit job on this project. They used financial and quantifying numbers not from their own research, but from numbers supplied by the ad companies bidding on the contract. In one case, they even re-wrote the system of measurement, claiming that even though the amount of ad-space (and eye-level ads) was increasing, the "units" of advertising were smaller.

So lets be clear here. Six square feet of ads on a garbage can on the ground, vs roughly twenty-four square feet of illuminated, eye-level ads are comparable in the eyes of city staff. ...I don't know what to say here.

It was right about at this point where David Meslin referred to this whole process as legalising bribery... and he was right. Astral Outdoor is paying Toronto a lot of money to violate our bylaws.

From our position, we deputed on a variety of different subjects. From the lack of allowed public input, to style comparisons with other cities, to the environmental concerns surrounding energy for illuminated ads, to the fact that Astral Media has a well-documented history of non-compliance with city bylaws. Only one of us mentioned the overabundance of ad-space in this contract, but that was the only thing Miller's council focused on at the end... that is, he focused on it and promptly dismissed it.

I don't know what it is that causes me to think that this sort of thing would work. Clearly, when this project came about two years ago, there was no need for consultation or debate. In a sharply divided council favouring the Mayor, Miller gets what Miller wants. Logic be damned.

April 04, 2007 15:46 +0000  |  Activism Public Space Street Furniture The Toronto Public Space Committee Why I'm Here 0

Toronto is planning on signing a 20year contract with an advertising company for the supply of our street furniture and they're letting you see the models... but just for today. Then they're gone.

The models will be at City Hall for the balance of the day ('till 8pm). Torontoist has photographs as well. Public input on the furniture that will shape the face of the city however is another story. From an email from the TPSC's street furniture campaign:

According to staff, the models will again go on display for one or two additional days here and there in the coming weeks, depending on public "demand." How will they determine public demand? By 1) the number of people who show up to the exhibit they haven't told the public about. And 2) the "feedback" they receive to the email address they haven't told the public about.

If you have a problem with this, we encourage you to send emails to those people in a position to open up this process: David Nagler, the Public Consultation Coordinator; Andy Koropeski, the Director of Transportation Services; Elyse Parker, the Clean and Beautiful City Secretariat; and Mayor Miller, whose determination to privatize Toronto's civic infrastructure has been the driving force behind this project. Their addresses, respectively, are:,,,

I encourage anyone reading this to stop in on the models today if you can, or at the very least check them out on Torontoist and then send your input to the people making these decisions. Personally, I'm not much of a fan of any of the models -- mostly because these companies have all shown that they can't be trusted.

Below is the official press release from the TPSC's street furniture campaign:

Street furniture models on display Wednesday for one day only

In yet another show of contempt for residents of this City, Transportation Services and Clean and Beautiful City staff have opted to put the models of the City's proposed "street furniture" on display to the public for one day only; they are visible in the City Hall rotunda from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. today, Wednesday, April 4. "This is a contract into which the City would be locked for twenty years," said Jonathan Goldsbie, a campaigner with the Toronto Public Space Committee. "It is unconscionable that City staff could express such disdain towards the people in whose interests they are ostensibly working."

Staff say that they may add additional viewing days in the near future, if there is sufficient demand. How will demand be determined? Through attendance at the exhibition that is not being promoted to the public and through feedback received at an email address that is not being promoted to the public.

Members of the Toronto Public Space Committee will be on hand in the City Hall rotunda today to talk about the "street furniture," to provide the public with information on how to submit their comments, and to explain why this is just the latest fait accompli in a process marked by staff's and the Mayor's indifference towards the wishes and desires of the people of Toronto.

Edit: 2007.04.04 13:15:00

This just in: Jonathan (the TPSC street furniture coordinator) just got this email from the street furniture staff people:

Efforts have been ongoing with Facilities and Real Estate at Toronto City Hall to extend the viewing period of the street furniture models.

Confirmation has been received that street furniture models will be on display at City Hall (west side of rotunda) for a total of five days.

  • 8:30am to 8:00pm (April 4, 2007)
  • 8:30am to 4:30pm (April 5, 2007)
  • 8:30am to 4:30pm (April 10, 2007)
  • 8:30am to 4:30pm (April 11, 2007)
  • 8:30am to 4:30pm (April 12, 2007)

Thank you for expressing interest. More information is available at

February 23, 2007 20:14 +0000  |  Public Space 3

This is just awesome.

A couple guys get together on a crowded Paris subway car and start singing Phil Collin's "In the Air Tonight"... and they're amazing. Caught on cellphone cameras, it's very much worth a few minutes, but make sure you can turn up the volume.

February 21, 2007 13:50 +0000  |  Activism CCTV Public Space Published The Toronto Public Space Committee 8

This time, I had way more than 2seconds of play too :-)

The CCTV cameras are going up whether we like it or not, and CityTV wanted to do a story on it and interview me. Unfortunately the TPSC position isn't mentioned at all in the text-copy, but my interview is in the video.

CityTV has the story here.

August 23, 2006 05:07 +0000  |  Public Space Toronto 0

Since becoming involved in the Public Space Committee here in Toronto I've started looking at the city in a new light. I remember reading about the "reclaiming of public space" back in the late 90's when I was reading Adbusters a lot, but I don't think I really got it until I moved out here. It probably had a lot to do with growing up in a crappy suburb, but I just didn't understand why someone would like to put a couch in a parking spot and sit out under the sun in the middle of 7th Ave...

But now I get it.

I was walking home tonight after Lee-Anne's birthday shindig and realised that despite it being an absolutely beautiful evening, there was nowhere for me to sit down and blog a bit before going home to bed. On my right was a bunch of closed retail stores, and on my left was a 4 lane, busy road. No benches, no greenspace, nowhere suitable for a person just to sit an enjoy the city.

When people talk about "The Liveable City" from now on, this is what I will have in mind.

February 09, 2006 05:52 +0000  |  Activism Public Space The Toronto Public Space Committee Why I'm Here 1

I had a really busy night tonight but since I've not had much sleep in the past few days (not that I don't enjoy spending time with so many friends, I just don't think my system can support such a social life for extended intervals) I won't be going into great detail as to what my night included.

Basically tonight was very much in the column of Why I'm Here. It started with a presentation from FoodShare where I got to pick their brains about why they aren't pushing for green houses on green roofs. My attendance for the presentation was cut short however by the fact that The Toronto Public Space Committee was holding a general meeting in the same building one floor down.

So, just as the FoodShare presentation was finishing, I took off down the stairs and into the council chambers in Metro Hall. There were about 40 people there tonight, section heads from almost every faction of the committee attended and shared information with the lot of us in an effort to try to get everyone who was interested in doing something talking to the right people.

Subjects covered included things like billboards, the Ontario provincial energy plan, the upcoming municipal election, the city's Street Furniture Harmonisation bid, Art Attack and Ad Trucks. There was even a request from the couple behind newmindspace for volunteers to help with a secret project this Valentines day... (I signed up)

Unlike previous group meetings I'd attended, those who spoke actually had intelligent things to say. People appeared organised and dedicated, spoke with thought and purpose. It was clear that this group wants to get shit done.

After the general meeting we retreated to a little pub for fooding and conversation. I mingled with a few tables, giving out my email address to people who asked. One of the more memorable moments was when we had an interesting conversation about a culture-jamming idea for educating the public regarding where their food comes from. In the space of 5 minutes and 3 brains, we developed a whole action plan for marketing, dissemination, and projected costs. It was awesome.

The TPSC is free to join and they always need new people. They're the ones who actually do the legwork to prevent crap like those super-sized garbage cans from being erected everwhere. If you're interested in taking part, the website is full of information -- or just get a hold of me and I'll hook you up.

I'll be getting involved with Art Attack, the upcoming municipal election and possibly more urban design issues as they become available. Exciting times ;-)