Blog /CCTV in the Star Today

May 05, 2007 17:16 +0000  |  CCTV Public Space The Toronto Public Space Committee 0

Just a quick note. CCTV was big in The Toronto Star today and an interview with me made it into one of them.

The first article refers to CCTV as nothing more than a "social placebo", and the second is an in-depth look at Toronto's program specifically, closing with a suggestion that we make an official Charter challenge against these cameras.

Now I don't think the TPSC has the kind of resources available to launch a Charter challenge. Hell, I'm not even sure what kind of resources would be required. Maybe we can petition the privacy commissioner to do it for us though? Does that sort of thing happen? Would a legal clinic help? I honestly don't know, but I'm going to find out.


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