Blog /i am ten ninjas

March 18, 2004 19:10 +0000  |  Miscellaneous 3

i finally got my tshirt from diesel sweeties, an online comic angela introduced me to a while back. some time ago, they released a pretty cool comic that i read over and over again and i sent an email to the creator suggesting he make a tshirt out of it. i promised a purchase on my behalf.

apparently, i wasn't the only one who asked, and so he put it up for sale and i orded one a few weeks ago. the internet is just so damn cool.


19 Mar 2004, 1:09 a.m.  | 

Yay! You should take a picture of yourself wearing it, and submit it to Diesel Sweeties. I'll bet he'll put it in the catalogue! Me, I'm wearing my M.C. Menses shirt today... grrr! I also ordered a 10 Ninja's shirt for my friend Jason for his b-day in July.

In other news, check this out: I think it would be an awesome tool for your giant mp3 list. Check it out in action here:

19 Mar 2004, 2:01 a.m.  | 

that thing is a neat trick, but it's got a few major flaws that prevent me from wanting to use it:

  1. there's no source code for it, just a single compiled flash .swf. i don't know what it's doing when it's on my server running with the privileges of the server user
  2. it doesn't read my list of mp3's compress on the fly and stream. the instructions tell me that i have to copy my entire library into the folder, run the windows executable (again, no source code) and then MANUALLY rename each file. ew.
  3. it's written for windows. so yeah, no way in hell >:-|
it's a nifty idea though -- if he released his source code, someone just might write a module for it that will do all of the above...

19 Mar 2004, 2:17 a.m.  | 

btw. thanks for this. i edited your post to add links to the urls you'd given and it revealed yet another bug in my blogger. it's all fixt now, but it's good i found it now -- it was database related.

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