Blog /fun with video

October 06, 2004 22:43 +0000  |  Nifty Links Society & Culture 2

my buddy colin @work sent me some fun videos that're worth checking out if you have the time and a healthy sense of humour. the first one is a recording of some real-world rpg fans. the recording is rather old, but i lost the link to it years ago. angela once told me the name of this sort of thing, but i don't remember. LIGHTNINGBOLT! LIGHTNINGBOLT!

the second video is a series of short interviews of some anime fanatics at a convention. if you're any kind of anime fan at all, you'll likely be able to recognise more than a few characters. seriously, this one is hilarious.


9 Oct 2004, 4:41 a.m.  | 

Do you mean LARPing? And dude, can't you even spell "lightning" right? ;)

9 Oct 2004, 5:48 a.m.  | 

i really have to stop posting blog entries in browsers other than konqueror. it has a spellcheck and i obviously need one.

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