Blog /Weather Permitting

June 14, 2007 03:22 +0000  |  Toronto Weather 0

I know, it's been a while since I posted anything here. Conveniently however, the reason for my absence is directly related to the topic of this entry: I blame the weather.

The hot, sticky, soup that is Toronto's "weather" between the months of May and September is the single strongest force pushing me out of this place and back to Vancouver. I've complained about the heat a lot here previously, so I won't bother going into it again. Instead, I thought I'd remark on the strange sort of sensations I've run into as a result of said stickyness.

For starters, suddenly everything feels harder. Riding my bike is more painstaking, walking down the street suddenly feels like a chore, and even sex carries the risk of passing out from the heat. The thickness in the air becomes a major barrier to everything you do in this city... even blogging.

It does lead to some interesting physical manifestations though. On days like this, I tend to take a shower after I get home, not to wash off the dirt, but to cool down and "un-sweat". However, because of the fluctuating body temperatures all over my skin, the shower feels differently depending on where it's targeted. On the back of my neck, it's cool and refreshing, but when it comes down on my head, it feels as though the temperature has gone up at least 3 degrees... The heat on the surface of my scalp is actually warming the water -- it's crazy.

The nice part though is that I'm using less hot water now. The A/C however is indispensible.


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