Blog /Timezones Installed

September 16, 2007 22:20 +0000  |  Blogger Geek Stuff 4

Rather than post about fun European stuff, I thought that I would mention that I spent the 5hour train ride from Amsterdam to Berlin fixing stuff on my site. Namely, I've fixed the whole site (and my server as a result) to use UTC, (or GMT as the non-geek might call it) as well as allow each logged-in person to set a personal timezone.

This has the following effects:

  • You'll have to log-in again. I had to delete the history of who was logged in, so your cookies are no longer valid. Just login and the site will remember you from now on as it did before.
  • Times stated on the site (like on blog posts, comments and images) will be displayed in UTC unless (a) you're logged in, and (b) you've selected a timezone other than UTC. I've manually set all of your timezones to what I figured was local for you, so you may not need to do anything special.
  • When commenting, your personal info will be pre-filled for you. You can change this stuff by going to the Preferences section above.

As with any big site change, there's bound to be stuff I've missed. If you see something, please let me know about it and I'll fix it as soon as I can.


17 Sep 2007, 1:41 a.m.  | 

Oh Daniel!!! It sounds like you're having an awesome time despite being homesick. Just stop thinking about how many days you've been away from home and embrace the fact that you'll be going to all these new and strange places but isn't that supposed to be the best part about traveling, discovering new things? I know the food's not going to be like Micky D's or Milestones but trying something new never hurt anyone. Well I'm glad to hear that you're doing okay. If anything, I'm more worried about you going to Seoul. At any rate, I hope you enjoy the rest of your travels. I'm sure that it will get better!!! *HUGZ* >_<

17 Sep 2007, 8:11 a.m.  | 

Oh don't worry about Seoul. It's the only country in which I actually know someone :-) In fact, I'm going to visit three different people there. Germany, Switzerland and Italy on the other hand... I don't know a soul.

Melanie Cassidy
17 Sep 2007, 9:14 p.m.  | 

wait wait, are the times I`m seeing reflective of my time zone or yours

Melanie Cassidy
18 Sep 2007, 4:18 p.m.  | 

That's funny. I wrote a whole lot more after that, and it's all gone. glitch?

Really you should have known. When do I ever Not use punctuation? pft!

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