Blog /They Just Don't Get It

April 02, 2007 18:08 +0000  |  Stupid People 8

Taking the dog for a 'walk'
Photo courtesy of MSN's Week in Pictures.

I am in awe. I am completely dumb-struck by the ass-backwardness of this photograph. I will instead leave it to the driver to explain himself:

Levester Johnson takes his dog, Armani, an Italian Cane Carso, out for a morning jog on Monday, March 26, in Akron, Ohio. "I was lazy this morning" said Johnson. "I'm on the way to the gym myself. I wanted to make sure [Armani] got in a workout before I left."

That's it. I'm out. This whole "saving the world" thing obviously was a bad idea from the start. Any species this lazy deserves to be erased from history.


3 Apr 2007, 1:44 a.m.  | 

Judging other people's life is bound to have misunderstanding from the party issuing opinions. Perhaps the guy did want the dog to have feel well. It may well be that only thing with wheels he has is this suv in which he can drive. perhaps if he had a scooter it won't be so bad. Say if he does this often then it may well be judged that he is a bad citizen of the earth. suv he is driving has engine size of most american sedans, and probably better emission control and fuel economy.

I doubt not using cars is a feasable solution, at least for many places in projected 10 - 20 years, because transport systems aren't ready to fully replace cars.

And species isn't lazy but prone to fall into certain sets of patterns, perhaps commitment to resolution of the situation without getting upset about some uninformed people, perhaps won't in mileage toward fixing carbon problem.

There will always be stupid people, media does put them under magnifying glass without reporting much progress. And news about bad and dumb things sell. Just see world's funniest videos. I would think this guy is a minority, most people would go on a bike. If they have concern for their pet often they will have concern for themselves, as such exercising alongside with their canine friend.

3 Apr 2007, 3:46 a.m.  | 

As the web re-develops between our toes..........scary.........:-o

3 Apr 2007, 4:19 a.m.  | 

I'm not sure which of the two above comments I understand less.

3 Apr 2007, 4:29 a.m.  | 

Pavel that is positively retarded.

This isn't a question of fuel economy. It's about the insanity of "walking" your dog from a thrice-damned, gas-powered vehicle. The guy was on his way to a gym, but figured it might be a good idea to take his dog around the block by way of an SUV! I don't care what his reasoning was, I don't care what kind of neighbourhood he lives in, this is insane.

3 Apr 2007, 3:02 p.m.  | 

I think the biggest crime here is that someone named their dog "Armani". Jesus. Effing. Christ.

3 Apr 2007, 4:39 p.m.  | 

Don't lose all hope just yet, Dan!

Check it.

4 Apr 2007, 10:07 p.m.  | 

Perhaps he should just take his dog to the gym... :-)

5 Apr 2007, 5:58 a.m.  | 

Also I on the good news train wagon.... well, kinda. Maybe by a toe.

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