Blog /some decent links

January 30, 2004 04:27 +0000  |  Nifty Links 1

i've run across a couple links worth checking out over that past couple days and i thought i'd share.

iams pet food is not a good company. i found the site by accident while surfing the canucks forum and it was enough to keep me the hell away from them.

and even for those of you who don't understand computer stuff all windows users should read this article. but for the lazy, here's the gist:

basically a new bug was discovered in internet exploder that, coupled with another bug that was discovered three years ago and never fixed, all explorer users are now very vulnerable to a security hole that microsoft either (a) doesn't know how to fix, or (b) doesn't want to.

how's the hole work? basically, you go to a website and click on a link that says something like "download this pdf". you think you're downloading a pdf (pdf's can't hurt me right?). then, when you open the file in your browser *poof* the bad guy and do whatever (s)he wants to your computer.

so what can you do? well microsoft hasn't fixed this problem for three years, so it's safe to say they're not interested in making your browser work properly. you can start using another browser like mozilla or opera, switch to an o/s that has real support like linux or buy a new computer and get mac osX.

either way, i'd advise you to stay the hell away from internet explorer. it's not safe anymore and they can't (or won't) make it safe.


30 Jan 2004, 11:41 p.m.  | 

That's the second negative thing I've heard about Iams today. (the first was that it would rot my cat's teeth) I guess it's time to start looking for new Sheldon food.

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