Blog /RtW Day 11: Nuremberg Lounging (and Weddings!)

September 22, 2007 11:54 +0000  |  Germany 'Round-the-World Travel 4


I'm half a world away, but I wanted to wish her good luck... or congratulations, or whatever you do for weddings. I'm so happy she's happy :-)

The Old Wall surrounding Nuremberg

I've decided that while Nuremberg may be a new city to me, it's exploration can wait a while. I'm taking the day off to lounge about here in the Starbucks, catch up on emails, upload my 300mb of pictures and then do some shopping.

Nuremberg is really quite small, the main downtown core surrounded by an old stone wall. This makes car traffic in and out of the this area rather difficult and so, for at least a couple square kilometres, the whole area is largely pedestrianised.

While the buildings and city design are rather old though, the stores inside are anything but. There are hundreds of shops around selling designer clothes, cellphones and sports gear etc and a remarkable number of manicure shops. I swear, the ratio of restaurants to nail speciality shops is about 1:1 here... it's unreal.

A pretty bridge

I took advantage of the shops around the hostel in which I'm staying last night to go out in search of a book store. I had, after all finished Harry Potter 3 and wanted to fill myself in on what happened in books 1 & 2. I found a nice big book store and luckily, they had a small shelf devoted to English books, among them: the entire Harry Potter series.

I took the book to a restaurant, had some food, then went back to my room and read a little over half of it before I went to bed. I might need to buy Goblet of Fire before I leave town :-)

I'll post some pictures of town when I have some, so this post will likely change in the next day or so, but if I have new content, I'll post a new one.


Melanie Cassidy
23 Sep 2007, 5:46 a.m.  | 

Some day someone's going to ask you what you did in your trip around Europe, and your answer's going to be "Went shopping, read Harry Potter, checked out nail salons." and I'll die a little inside.

23 Sep 2007, 8:41 a.m.  | 

Oh c'mon dude. Nuremberg is my relaxing stop. Besides, in about 2hours, I'm going on a walking tour of the city :-P

Noreen Ma
23 Sep 2007, 9:02 p.m.  | 

Loved Mel's comment, classic! :D

Annie Kim
28 Sep 2007, 6:31 p.m.  | 

Thanks for the good wishes Dan!! That was very sweet.

Sorry to hear that things have been tough. I like the updates though and can't wait to get to Europe myself one day.

Be safe buddy!

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