Blog /My Black Thumb is Famous

June 25, 2007 15:43 +0000  |  Public Space Published The Toronto Public Space Committee 3

The Metro published a story today about the Toronto Public Space Committee's Guerrilla Gardeners and I'm quoted in it as a first-timer (until last Friday, I'd never been on a plant). Naturally, when I came into the office (and before I knew about the story), Jenn had already cut out the article and left it on my desk, and Anne came over to read the whole story to me aloud.

What a nice way to start a birthday.

For those who are interested, the Guerrilla Gardeners work throughout the Spring and Summer digging up nasty-looking patches of grass (and sometimes gravel!) and replanting them with pretty flowers. It's really quite fun and rewarding, so if you have some time, check out the web page and contact the organiser in your area.

Update: 11:45:11

The guy who did the story works for the Canaidan Press, and so the story is national. Here's a longer version in a Montreal paper.


26 Jun 2007, 1:58 a.m.  | 

When I read that in the metro this morning I knew it was you! =D Nice, do you have a photo of your work?

26 Jun 2007, 2:56 a.m.  | 

I do, but only on Facebook and Flickr since my own image gallery is getting re-designed (again). I might also try BayImg too, 'cause it's kinda neat.

5 Jul 2007, 4:42 a.m.  | 

Happy belated birthday man. I haven't kept up on this...and I should have.

For that I apologize.

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