Blog /more fun quizzes

February 20, 2004 16:02 +0000  |  Miscellaneous Nifty Links 1

courtesy of angela. maybe i should read this one.

You're Les Mis�ables!

You're Les Mis�ables!
by Victor Hugo

One of the best known people in your community, you have become something of a phenomenon. People have sung about you, danced in your honor, created all manner of art in your name. And yet your story is one of failure and despair, with a few brief exceptions. A hopeless romantic, you'll never stop hoping that more good will come from your failings than is ever possible. Beware detectives and prison guards bearing vendettas.

Take the Book Quiz.

and i found this one on the same site.

You're The United Nations!

You're The United Nations!

Most people think you're ineffective, but you are trying to completely save the world from itself, so there's always going to be a long way to go. You're always the one trying to get friends to talk to each other, enemies to talk to each other, anyone who can to just talk instead of beating each other about the head and torso. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, and you get very schizophrenic as a result. But your heart is in the right place, and sometimes also in New York.

Take the Country Quiz.


23 Feb 2004, 4:51 a.m.  | 

apparently i'm Siddhartha and Brazil, respectively... and with only a couple exceptions, i don't have a problem with these...

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