Blog /markus

November 30, 2005 18:26 +0000  |  Employment 1

about a week ago, markus posted a comment on my blog with the express purpose of finding out who's googling his name. you see, when someone comes to my blog by way of a search engine, i can see that search request, and when the request is for someone in the office, i let them know in case they care.

aileen had been boasting to markus that she'd been googled two or three times already and how his name never came up once (since his name wasn't on the site) so he posted his name in the comments and anxiously waited.

not more than a week later, his first hit. someone was googling for markus templer. and then today, another hit, this time, for pictures of markus templer. after letting him know about this most recent development though, one of his sales coworkers got an idea:

"wanna play a little joke on markus?" james asked. "wait a little while and tell him that you saw another google search for his name, this time for nude pictures of markus templer".

i really must say, my performance was exemplary. i totally had him, but i couldn't believe how good i was at the lying. we still haven't told him, i might just leave it up to james to break the news... either that, or he'll have to read this post.

at the very least, this post should improve his google rank ;-)

edit: As it turns out, there really are nude pictures of markus templer on the internet. just do a google image search and you find this. and yes, i asked. it really is him.


30 May 2006, 12:38 p.m.  | 

Are you talking about Markus Templer from Pickering? If so, please let Markus know that I googled his name after a night of drinking (etc.) and wandering down memory lane with my friend Cheryl! We go way back, please tell him that Steph Mayell says hello and sends him my best. Thanks for the heads up about the pictures, I'll have to check that out later! Please forward the following hotmail account to him - Thanks.

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