Blog /Jet Lag Suggestions?

September 05, 2007 19:16 +0000  |  'Round-the-World Travel 5

I'm starting to think strategy for my trip over the pond and I'm looking for some advice regarding how to deal with jet lag etc. I don't deal well with time changes. Even a few hours has been known to knock me on my ass for a few days and here I'm looking at leaving Toronto around 5pm and arriving in Frankfurt at 7am the following day... I have no idea how to work with this.

The idea at the moment, is to land in Frankfurt, look for my hotel and stay awake 'till at least 5pm and then crash 'till the next day. But (a) do I find a hotel near the airport that's easier to get to but costs a lot more? Or do I (b) get a hotel closer to downtown so there's something to do and I'm closer to the train station when I need to depart in the morning?

In terms of cost, a hotel near the airport is about €150 ($200CAD), wheras, places closer to downtown are about ¼ that. Any suggestions would be appreciated :-)


5 Sep 2007, 10:41 p.m.  | 

sleep on the plane... take a sleep aid to force your body asleep...

6 Sep 2007, 6:21 a.m.  | 

my prof suggested you drink a little and that'll help you sleep.

6 Sep 2007, 5:44 p.m.  | 

stay up for three days.

7 Sep 2007, 4:59 a.m.  | 

Funny one Talesh. I think the plan I'm going to go with is one Albert suggested tonight: set my clocks to Frankfurt time a couple days before I go and try to conform to that clock. Then, make sure that I don't go to sleep 'till 6 or 7pm when I get there.

The Lonely Planet book that I bought for the trip has a couple great recommendations so I'll likely go with a reasonably cheap hotel in downtown near the train station. It also says that there are two trains that run from the airport to the central train station and that my hotel of choice is right down the street from there (it even has a map) so I think I'm set :-)

7 Sep 2007, 12:32 p.m.  | 

you'll be too excited to be least until the evning, i promise!

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