Blog /"Highway of Heroes"

August 24, 2007 22:27 +0000  |  Stupid People War 2

I really want to comment on this highway renaming business. For those who haven't heard, a bunch of people have created a petition to rename a portion of highway 401 to "Highway of Heroes" to commemorate the men & women who've died overseas who's flag-draped coffins make the procession down that very stretch of asphalt when their bodies return home.

Maybe I'm being irrational, but this kind of thing makes me absolutely furious. For starters, the term "hero" is thrown around far too much and (at least in my opinion) should not be assigned to just anyone who dies in the line of duty.

These soldiers are Our Honoured Dead, people who died because they chose to fight for Canada and Canada sent them into a warzone. That's both respectable and honourable, even remarkable... but is this heroism? No. This sort of renaming campaign just supports a propaganda machine that works to convince people that war is glorious, even righteous -- a lie so far from the truth it makes me ill.

And if that doesn't piss you off, how 'bout the thought that of all the things in this country we could attribute to our soldiers, we choose a stretch of grey pavement. What a terrible way to honour these people.


27 Aug 2007, 3:08 p.m.  | 

I agree with that last statement.

but I'm wondering, what do you consider heroism?

27 Aug 2007, 5:31 p.m.  | 

I guess I consider heroism (in this context) to be an act that distinguishes someone as exceptionally brave. Going to war is not heroic, it's brave. Going to war and going on a one-way mission to save the lives of your comrades, that's heroic. There's a reason we use the term "War Hero" with reverence -- it's supposed to mean something, and I feel that over-using it like this irresponsible.

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