Blog /Bad Teachers

March 29, 2012 11:38 +0000  |  Stupid People 0

"...and that's why I don't believe that there is life on other planets" he said, "the conditions for the existence of water are just too difficult to find in the universe. Now let's talk about facts, not science fiction."

Mr. Loewen was the crotchety old man of my high school, and our introduction to physics from grades 8-10. He was desperately boring, doing his very best to suck the excitement and wonder out of the sciences and very successful in his quest. On more than a few occasions he literally told me to "stop asking stupid questions" when I was only trying to understand some of the more interesting riddles about the universe. His attitude pushed me out of physics, and contributed heavily to my abandonment of the sciences in general, and to this day, I still think of him from time to time whenever I read something like this.

Suck it, Loewen.


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