Blog /Aileen's Goodbye Party

June 20, 2006 04:51 +0000  |  Employment 0

One of my employer's longest-running staff members got poached by Yahoo this month and to celebrate, we threw her a going away party. It was the first shindig that my social committee got to work on and thanks to Reeshma's organisational kung-foo and the rest of the groups knowledge of nice patios in Toronto, we were able to throw a pretty impressive bash as a send off (course the Brass' budget was a nice springboard for the event).

I spent much of the night doing what I do best at these things: taking pictures of other people, so I can stay firmly behind the camera. There were a few pics taken of me with my camera though, so if you're interested, they can be found in my imager here. Note however that company policy dictates that I can't have coworkers posted here publically, so you'll have to log in if you wanna see. ...and you do wanna see. There's a fun set in there with me and Markus ;-)

Additionally, a big thanks goes to Colin, who rescued me from my stupidity when I accidentally blew away all the pictures off my camera card before putting them into my imager. He had the right software available to recover all of the pictures from the card without any corruption. Thanks Colin!


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