Blog /Public Spaces in Bogotá

February 15, 2008 19:17 +0000  |  Public Space Transit Travel 8

Via One Good Move:

So I'm considering a trip to Bogotá. If you'd like to know why, read on. Even better, if you'd like to come with me, let me know.

I'm a regular reader of One Good Move, a mostly America-centric left-leaning political blog that collects video clips from mainstream and independent sources. Think of it as a Metafilter for the American left with a penchant for video.

Anyway, during my daily gleaning, I came across this post on current developments in Bogotá, Columbia including a massive amount of urban redesign with a focus on people as opposed to cars.

In a space of 3years, the Mayor killed a $5billion highway project and at a fraction of the cost, constructed an amazing network of transit buses and cycling infrastructure. The results were astounding. Through the efforts of succeeding mayors with similar ideals, the murder rate in a city known for violence and poverty has dropped 70% in 12 years. A major contributing factor to this dramatic shift was the redevelopment of a city with the residents in mind.

Today, Bogotá sports a series of arterial rapid bus systems, interconnected with 16km of a cycling freeway. Every Sunday, the city shuts down dozens of highway lanes and roads to accommodate Ciclovía, a car-free day of sorts that sees hordes of people of all ages and colours taking dance classes in the streets, riding bikes up expressways and in short, living in their city as opposed to their livingrooms.

There's more detail in the 3 videos below, and I encourage you to watch them, especially if you're interested in public space activism.

"If a fish needs to swim, a man needs to walk."
  - Enrique Peñalosa, former mayor of Bogotá, Colombia


Stephen Young
15 Feb 2008, 10:29 p.m.  | 

Very exciting. I might seriously consider going with you.

15 Feb 2008, 11:19 p.m.  | 

w00t! Well I'm thinking late in the year (like December) so I don't know how easy that'd be for you, but I'll accommodate your schedule if you're interested!

Stephen Young
15 Feb 2008, 11:41 p.m.  | 

Depends on time and cost. I could perhaps do a week or two during the Christmas Break. Summer is best of course.

Andrea Tuthill
19 Feb 2008, 1:54 a.m.  | 

Just as a reminder - Columbia still kidnaps tourists......... and lets face it - both of you look 'merican (worth $$)

Also anyone that I know that has been there has said that you become very aware that life is dangerous there - checkpoints of security to enter a shopping mall ect.

Just make sure that if you are going to adventure you do all your homework first. Not all places are exactly friendly yet.

19 Feb 2008, 2:37 a.m.  | 

Duly noted, though I assumed as much to begin with. The Wikitravel page has lots of handy information about safety and I have no illusions that this trip will be anything like hopping through Europe. I'll be careful though -- I'm sure I can't be the only white guy to go to Bogatá ;-)

12 Mar 2008, 7:51 a.m.  | 

I'm all booked till 2010! But I think we'd be pretty good travel buddies. Want to make plans to go on a trip around summer '10?

12 Mar 2008, 8:24 a.m.  | 

2 years from now? Sure! How do you feel about Europe? I wanna see Reykjavik, Dublin, London, Oslo, Samsø, Stockholm, and Amsterdam (again)... maybe even St. Petersburg. What do you think?

13 Mar 2008, 3:54 a.m.  | 

Yeah! Those places sound great. Specially since it won't be in the winter.
You're on!

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