Blog /My Swaggy Desk

July 13, 2006 02:19 +0000  |  Employment 3

I'm in the process of both cleaning my apartment (Melanie can't be allowed to see it in it's current condition) and trying to integrate my office-swag back into my home.

I should probably explain for those not currently residing in cubicle-hell. Most office spaces are boring, so every person decorates their desk and monitor with different stuff. Most geeks have a collection of toys that are perched everywhere, watching you as you work. In my case, I have a 12" Tifa figure from Final Fantasy VII, a giant talking frog, a little stuffed dog and Ari, the little bobbing-head guy I picked up on my first visit to Pacific Mall.

Anyway, I cleaned out the bulk of my office stuff today and am left with a bag full of characters and really no where to put them. My desk is rediculously cluttered as it is -- 'course much of that is mess still in need of cleaning, but I have no idea how to organise it all. I may just keep it all in a box for the next job.


13 Jul 2006, 5:31 a.m.  | 

do you still have claude's card?

16 Jul 2006, 1:25 p.m.  | 

Hey, does that mean you found a new job, or did you just decide to quit anyway?

thanks for the link to the synth thing, it's awesome. i passed it on to laura and kris too.

emily has a flight booked for the 24th of august. wooohoo!


17 Jul 2006, 5:08 a.m.  | 

To Noreen, sorry, but no. I looked everywhere and he hasn't appeared. I even searched Jia's desk. I'm stopping in tomorrow though so I'll give it another shot then.

to Theresa, yes I did find a new job. Starting on the 24th I'll be gainfully employed for a big company that does not assist the U.S. Navy... and they're paying me more too :-) And you're welcome for the Mario thingy. I thought it was pretty damn cool myself.

As for Emily-Jane... YAY!

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