Blog /Butthead is Gone

August 07, 2008 04:11 +0000  |  Family 2

So it looks like my brother has patched things up in his life and with his girlfriend. As a result, he moved back to his old place tonight and I have my apartment back.

It's strange really. When he first moved in just over a month ago, I merely tolerated the disruption to my life. He is family after all and this is what you do for family. But as the weeks rolled on, I came to look forward to seeing him when I got home. He was a fabulous roomate: kind, respectful, and so very clean. It was nice to have him around, and now that he's gone, I kinda miss him. I'm even having trouble remembering what was so great about living alone in the first place, though I'm sure that it'll come back to me.

I helped him carry his stuff downstairs at which point, he gave me a hug and said thank you. I got a little emotional at that moment -- but didn't show it. I'm not sure that I know how to really.

I'm going to his place this weekend for a barbecue. If anything, this whole ordeal has really helped our relationship. If I didn't know how hard it was for him, I'd be thankful that all this took place.


7 Aug 2008, 6 p.m.  | 

This is how k's manly brother in law does it.

1. Grunt.
2. Shoulder roll meh (this translates to I really loved having you here).
3. Casually/Semi-willingly move forward with limp arms as if to start a hug, but don't commit to anything.
4. If he moves in, slap his back really REALLY hard and then say YA!
5. Grunt again as you move apart and stuff hands into the very bottom of your pockets. If you are without pockets, put them on top of your head and flex your arms.

This is k-how.

1. Sob uncontrollably and hug everyone until everyone is crying or looking away uncomfortably.
2. Feel sad all day that they are gone and write very odd notes to yourself to cheer yourself up. Perhaps watch a movie that is guaranteed to make me cry worse (I don't really understand this step).
3. Eat something with "cream" in the ingredient list.
4. Feel guity about eating said creamy item and then curse under your breath blaming the person who left you feeling this way.
5. Write them an email to let them KNOW you ate said creaminess, but end the email with an I love you anyways and when the hell are we going to get together again?

Don't be lonely, come by for tea and card chez moi next time you have the lonely house blues.

10 Aug 2008, 12:01 a.m.  | 

in semi-related news, my sister-in-law tried to hug me yesterday right after she'd changed her baby's diaper. I smiled and glanced nervously at her hands, avoiding the hug. Was I rude?

I'm glad this has helped your relationship with your brother. :) also, I find it mildly amusing that you are lonely-ish now, but by the time I get out there you will have gotten used to being alone and will be bitter about having to give up your personal space.

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