Blog /Mom Blames Satan for Burning Baby in Microwave

May 22, 2007 16:05 +0000  |  Stupid People 4

Just when I think the world is going to hell because of apathy on the environment or international relations, you read about some dumb-ass people that prove that the species is fucked regardless.


22 May 2007, 4:52 p.m.  | 

People that batshit insane are in the minority. The same can't be said about the apathetic.

23 May 2007, 4:21 a.m.  | 

There were dumb people, I believe that there is less of them now, but you get to know about dumb ones a lot more often then before invention of phone and then Internet.

24 May 2007, 2:07 a.m.  | 

Well really which is easier to understand - the devil made him do it OR I married an insane monster.....

They have to be able to look in the mirror each day - they both obviously have mental problems to some degree - and probably have very little education, other than passes for education in the bible belt

lets just hope they don't produce more offspring

29 May 2007, 6:49 p.m.  | 

If you are into this, read "American Theocracy" by Kevin Phillips, which links oil, (Southern Baptist) fundamentalism, and western debt into a terrifying attempt to describe the evidence for 'end of Empire' instability in the USA.

Also read 'The Sheep Look Up' by John Brunner. Written in 1972, a 'science fiction' novel of environmental collapse that does not read like science fiction any more.

All that said, for most of human history people (often very responsible and literate people) have ascribed acts to satan, the devil, witches, and so on, especially things that we would today call mental illness. To us it may seem batshit, but our's is a belief system that has only existed for the last 100 years - if that - and only in our part of the world (Western Europe and Canada). The people involved may be better educated than you think - they are reflecting the theological mainstream of their part of the world - Arkansas and Texas.

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