Blog /Illegal Signs Gets the Press it Deserves

March 16, 2007 20:32 +0000  |  Activism Advertising Published 0

Rami's hard work has paid off in the form of some real publicity with The Toronto Star:

"At least half the billboards in Toronto are illegal," he says. "In the entertainment district, almost all of them. It's visual pollution. We have to fight it."

Tabello's website,, lists about 270 allegedly outlaw billboards. He calls them "bad boys" and estimates there are between 1,500 and 2,000 around the city.

It's a detailed and informative article with some nice quotes from all sides involved. check it out if you have the time.

In related news, the asshats at ClearChannel want to sue the Toronto Public Space Committee (of which I'm an active member). has the details.


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