Blog /Hug Day in Toronto

January 24, 2007 15:26 +0000  |  Society & Culture 8

I got this from the NewMindSpace newsletter this morning.

On Saturday January 27th, Torontonians from of all walks of life are invited to spontaneously hug by the thousands at 3 pm at Nathan Phillips Square. The amazing candy pop band, the Bicycles will be on stage and at 3 and will ask for a mass hug.

Mass hugging is becoming an international trend some say in response to a gloomy world state of affairs. Hug Day is being put on by the Toronto Hug Coalition which also points that hugging has incredible health benefits including stress reduction and boosting the immune system as well as improving your outlook.

Saturday January 27th, Share the Love in Nathan Phillips Square, at 3pm for Hug Day.

It's late enough in the day that I might just be there... ;-)


24 Jan 2007, 3:44 p.m.  | 

I'd go but I'm going to be shooting people on Saturday. It's more fun and hey I do it with the best intentions. ;-)

24 Jan 2007, 3:55 p.m.  | 

You... you're attending a hug day? DAN! Are you feeling OK??

24 Jan 2007, 4:09 p.m.  | 

Time until predicted response: 29minutes... wow.

I didn't say I was planning on joining in, but it doesn't hurt to be there to see what happens...

24 Jan 2007, 8:17 p.m.  | 

Not to be the skeptic here but...

I'd be veeeeery careful about not having anything worth stealing in my pockets during that mass hug...


I'm just saying....


24 Jan 2007, 8:45 p.m.  | 

I was thinking the same thing along the lines of what J said...
That or being improperly "groped" :P

I know we're the cynical few.

24 Jan 2007, 9:04 p.m.  | 

Wow... no offence guys, but that's exactly the kind of attitude that this event is meant to counteract. Not everyone has the worst in mind -- I'd go so far to say that the vast majority of people out there are actually good people.

25 Jan 2007, 4:20 p.m.  | 

Come on, dude. Of course I'm going to respond that way. If I posted an entry saying I was going out to celebrate Ninja Day, you'd react similarly. ;)

6 Feb 2007, 10:11 p.m.  | 

Hug day?! There was a hug day!?! and no one told little ol' me? I love hugs... though, I don't know... strangers? :/ :) Ah fuggedabout it?

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