Blog /happy belated valentines

February 16, 2004 04:00 +0000  |  Personal Life 1

angela and i are over. hence the removal of the "time until i see angela" module on the left panel. (noreen noticed not 10minutes after i did it and upon checking her blog, called me. man the web does interesting things to a person's social life). it just seemed kinda odd to have a countdown to seeing someone who has no intention of seeing you. the code has however been preserved, and if anyone is interested, it'll be posted along with the rest of the blogger code "soon".

about the breakup itself though. i've never been a public person about such things, so i'll leave it with "it didn't work, but i wish it had." and if you want more information, please call or email me. such things are not for public forums.


16 Feb 2004, 4:22 a.m.  | 

Don't care if you delete this, you're the only one I want to see it. You've hurt my best friend and for that I hope you never get it up again. Haven't you figured it out by now? You don't fuck with people's hearts.... karma's a Bitch and right now she's aimed right. at. you. Have a nice life. I'm sorry I ever put faith in you.

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