Blog /Cherry Blossoms in High Park

May 06, 2007 18:58 +0000  |  Melanie Toronto 8

So, as mentioned in my previous post, I'm here at High Park enjoying the cherry blossoms. It's not as party-ish as I remember it from last year, but in all fairness, it's considerably earlier in the day than my visit back then.

I had an interesting revelation this afternoon. At this time last year, I was still working at Rydium. I was enjoying my brand new laptop so much so that I was taking it everywhere, just so I could blog about stuff.... As far as my laptop goes, not much has changed, but my personal life is considerably different.

My relationship with Melanie has been amazing so far. She keeps asking me to blog about how awesome she is, and I guess now is about as good a time as any. Melanie is pretty damn fabulous. It's a strange thing to spend a year with someone like her. You're still two very different people, but you both work very hard at trying to understand the other person better. I know that when she's upset, the best way to cheer her up is popcorn and diet fountain Coke with two straws, and she knows that I strongly believe that the Moulin Rouge soundtrack improves on any situation... even when you're laying quietly under the trees.

I guess that it's an inevitability of being with someone for this long: you start to get them, despite the giant walls we build around ourselves... It's a wonderful experience and one I'm happy to share with her.

Happy (belated) Beltane everyone.


7 May 2007, 12:42 a.m.  | 

I highly aprove of this blog post. :) <3

7 May 2007, 2:47 a.m.  | 

Congrats you two :)

Sorry I missed you today. My cell was off so I missed your phone call, but even after that, I've been stuck in working on things that I've put off till now. (oh and watching Babylon 5). Ah well, I'll plan for next year's festival.

7 May 2007, 8:44 a.m.  | 


7 May 2007, 3:15 p.m.  | 

OMG get a room dude! ;-)

J/k yeah Melanie is pretty awesome and it's great to see how happy you guys are. Ya sorry I didn't reply to your text message, I was playing airsoft like I do every wknd...

7 May 2007, 4:21 p.m.  | 

I heart Melanie.

9 May 2007, 5:44 p.m.  | 

Yo, where's my web button! :-) Seriously, I wish I went there (didn't get your call) , remember last year we just went there and the event was there. Something like that. Anyway its good to hear that you had a great time.

14 May 2007, 4:59 p.m.  | 

...and it is the thoughts in that post that make the greatest love songs of all.

I am so very happy that you have found a great love in Melanie. The biggest secret of life is that the greatest loves are the ones who fill that which is missing from us, like yin and yang. In the end both lovers are better for it, and are stronger because of it.

I wish you both well, my friend.

22 Aug 2007, 3:32 p.m.  | 

I like the search feature. If I hadn't played with it, I never would have found out that we have a great love. Go us!

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