Blog /images from toronto

February 12, 2005 01:46 +0000  |  Miscellaneous 1

i decided that since i haven't been updating my imager, that i should post some of my un-updated pictures here. and so, inspired by noreen, here you go.

a tree trunk the cn tower
wandering around the island, camera in hand, i had to get one picture of this pretty tree shot from the ferry on my way home from the island.
the toronto skyline a pigeon
the cn tower from the shore of centre island. i like pigeons alright? and this one even posed for me.
a streetcar city hall
on my way home from work, on a whim, i took this shot of the streetcar i was about to bord. when i looked at the lcd, i couldn't believe how well it came out. city hall. pavel and i went visiting a few months back (when it was still warm) and this shot came out great.


12 Feb 2005, 11:38 p.m.  | 

I like pigeons too. I thought I was the only one.

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