
November 17, 2006 04:49 +0000  |  Society & Culture 1

Pavel just sent me this video of a student being tazered by UCLA police. He was shot not once, not twice, but FIVE TIMES and the various news reports, as well as the video itself confirm the student posed no threat to the officers. In fact, the guy was already leaving the premises when they arrived. Watch the video (6min) and then answer me this question:

What the fuck were all those people doing just standing there?

November 16, 2006 23:16 +0000  |  Society & Culture 0

I read a most interesting thing in The Globe and Mail yesterday:

The Prime Minister of France is urging the European Union to impose a punitive import tax on goods from countries such as Canada that refuse to sign on to a tougher second phase of the global warming deal.

Dominique de Villepin said countries that do not commit to new targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions should not be allowed to benefit by avoiding the costs associated with reducing global warming. He said France would make specific proposals for the European Union to discuss in the new year.

Bill Curry, The Globe And Mail, November 15th, 2006

So if non-Kyoto countries want to sell their exports to Europe, they'll suffer an import tax... It's a brilliant idea and if I could do anything to help it come through, I would. Canada and the United States should be punished financially for our own insistence on damaging the biosphere.

Unfortunately, the article goes on to state that the World Trade Organisation, an unelected body not responsible to the public, or the planet could prevent Europe from taking such action. Apparently, "WTO rules prevent foreign products from being treated differently from domestic ones". After all, economic growth trumps breathable air any day... at least in this country.

November 15, 2006 20:15 +0000  |  Society & Culture 1

I know that this is rather late, but I just saw this today and had to share:

Rumsfeld -> Force Quit

Possibly the best Mac-centric joke ever. Ripped directly from Boing Boing.

November 14, 2006 04:23 +0000  |  Society & Culture 6

Whenever someone says that their vote doesn't matter, please refer them to the race that just ended in my riding. Case Ootes, a terrible choice for city councillor managed to beat out Diane Alexopolous, a fine choice, by only TWENTY VOTES.


November 11, 2006 19:52 +0000  |  Society & Culture 1


More than anything else, this is the single most important message for November 11th. If you can, find a Veteran and say thanks today.

November 10, 2006 07:49 +0000  |  Society & Culture 2

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things, but for good people to do evil things, it takes religion.

Dr Steven Weinberg, (Nobel Laureate)

Pavel sent me a few links to a YouTube video the other day and I've not had time to sit and watch it until now. The Root of All Evil, a documentary by Richard Dawkins, a scientist, is a brave step toward a very important discussion: that of questioning the validity of faith and the dangers it can represent.

Now those who have had this argument with me know that I like religion. I think it serves as an integral part of human culture and should not be considered an evil or negative thing. With that said however, Dawkin's take on the whole subject was both fascinating and encouraging -- it's one thing to know that there are crazy people in the world, but it's something else to know that there are also a lot of sane ones.

I can't recommend the film enough, sit down, watch it, talk about it. If nothing else, Dawkins would want you to think about what's being said. Hell, I think he'd be happy if everyone would just think, rather than choose belief over thought.

Google Video
Part 1: The God Delusion
Part 2: The Virus of Faith
Part 1: The God Delusion
Part 2: The Virus of Faith

I can also burn you a copy on DVD (from the Google downloads) if you'd like

October 19, 2006 21:39 +0000  |  Society & Culture 1

Call me naive if you like, but I was really hoping to be surprised by the Conservatives this time around. Here we are at a crucial moment in the Planet's history and Stephen Harper stands at the helm of one of the worst polluting countries in the world. But instead of doing the Right Thing, the Conservatives have opted to abandon Kyoto and persue a plan that will do nothing but kill more trees for the paper it's printed on.

The short version of the plan in plain English:

We will do nothing until we consult with industry and discuss what needs to be done. We don't care that this has already been done over the last twenty years, we want to look like we're doing something.

We will put intensity limits on carbon production but will do nothing to curb the overall number of carbon producers so carbon output can only increase.

But most importantly, we will join the Americans in working out of step with the rest of the world, thereby ensuring the failure of the Kyoto Protocol.

Sadly, the minute Canada pulled out of Kyoto, any plan the Conservatives had in mind was automatically an abysmal failure. We can't beat global warming alone. It will take honest commitments from all nations and there's no way to ensure that by backing out of the simplest of international agreements.

Never before have I been more ashamed to be Canadian. On behalf of my country, I apologise to everyone who has a stake in the survival of our species. We have failed you. We have failed ourselves.

October 12, 2006 17:38 +0000  |  Society & Culture 2

I am at a loss for words. This is freakin' awesome.

October 06, 2006 03:13 +0000  |  Society & Culture

On Monday afternoon, a man who's motives will probably never be completely understood, walked into an Amish schoolhouse and executed five little girls.

Today, four of those children were buried, and the families of the victims asked all of us to forgive the man for what he'd done. They even requested that a collection be started to support the family he left behind.

I tend to give Christians a hard time, but I've always respected the Amish. This is more than turning the other cheek, it's what Jesus would have done.

If only we could all see the world like they do, maybe it wouldn't be so messed up.

September 22, 2006 19:03 +0000  |  Society & Culture Why I'm Here 2

I'm sitting in my cubicle, slowly coming to realise how very screwed we all are.

Not more than 10' from me, a bunch of my coworkers are engaged in yet another conversation about cars. This makes no less than 5 car worshipping sessions in one day. As much as those of us who despise cars might fight against them, the fact is that the overwhelming majority of people outside of downtown areas not only love their cars, but they've made them a permanent fixture in their culture. Even if gas climbs above $2, these people will have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of those thrice-damned machines.

On a happier note though, Spacing Wire has mentioned a nifty bike ride happening in Toronto tonight in light of the festive occasion. I can't attend it myself, but if you're so inclined, I suggest you check it out.