Blog /20 Votes Shy

November 14, 2006 04:23 +0000  |  Society & Culture 6

Whenever someone says that their vote doesn't matter, please refer them to the race that just ended in my riding. Case Ootes, a terrible choice for city councillor managed to beat out Diane Alexopolous, a fine choice, by only TWENTY VOTES.



14 Nov 2006, 9:26 a.m.  | 

but as consolation prize, you get cereal. will send out your CHRISTMAS present soon. :P

for easter, dan got 2 boxes of cereal (from san francisco!)
for his bday, dan got 2 boxes of cereal (from hawaii no less!)
for xmas, dan gets 2 boxes of cereal (from seattle!)

whoa... are we sensing a trend here?
(and where are my presents?)

Jesse Hirsh
14 Nov 2006, 3:23 p.m.  | 

That is quite a depressing result. As I was going over the results this morning this particular ward caused me to sigh, thinking mostly of the apathy that prevented Diane from winning.

With that said, I'm curious if there'll be a recount, and I'm also curious if there were any ballots in favor of Diane that were declared spoiled but should not have been. I volunteered a few times as a scrutineer on election days gone past and was shocked to see how many ballots are thrown out because people did not properly make their mark, or because the ballot was challenged by a scrutineer working for an opponent.

Greg Palast writes a lot about this and other dirty electoral tactics in the US.

14 Nov 2006, 5:14 p.m.  | 

That really is too bad. So close, yet so far. Think, only one of the other challengers had dropped out she might of won.

There will defiantly be a recount, but it won't likely change anything. As for spoiled ballots, since it was an electronic count, there is little change of such dirty politics happening over 'spoiled' ballots.

15 Nov 2006, 4:05 a.m.  | 

This is why you should have voted an additional 20 times.

16 Nov 2006, 12:47 a.m.  | 

Funny thing is I doubt there will be a recount - the only time they do is when its a tie. 20 votes isn't close enough!

What does it say about a city that for all its multi-cultarism has only 10 females and 4 minorities......... what does it say when only ONE incumbant gets the boot!

Is it that people here fear change - or was it due to little opposition in some ridings.

But in good news environmentalists won huge the other night (mayors in other cities in GTA) and that's a start for me!

17 Nov 2006, 4:09 a.m.  | 

What municipal elections do point out is how very flawed democracy is. People vote out of responsibility, but then make their decisions based on absolutely brain-dead reasoning. Incumbents win out most often not because they've done a good job, but because their name is recognised by the voters.

People are voting for candidates based on their name alone, and here we are looking at statistics of race and sex? Am I the only one that sees the futility in all of this?

If you ask a blissfully ignorant populace to elect it's leaders, it will choose those leaders based on its own ignorance. We're at the mercy of every moron who can pick up a pen and fill in a box -- that isn't representation, it's tyranny by the idiot masses.

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