Blog /First Days At Bodog

November 21, 2006 22:48 +0000  |  Riptown 17

I've decided that it's ok to post the name of my current employer in my blog since it will eventually make its way into my resume. Obviously office gossip etc won't be in here but I see no problem with the mere association.

Bodog is awesome. We're on the 15th floor of a 15-floor building (the building actually has a 13th floor!) and we have the entire floor to ourselves. There is a giganimous kitchen, a workout room, a shower room and a pop machine that sells cans of Pepsi for $0.50 :-) They even have a reasonably-sized recycling section in the kitchen complete with glass, plastic and cardboard.

While there is no Zuppa's to speak of, there is a crappy sandwich place in the basement, a Subway down the street, Panzerotto Pizza a little further and, get this, a commercial complex 5minutes away complete with Loblaws (groceries), a Wendy's and a Milestones... not to mention Future Shop, Staples and a movie theatre. Sure, it's North York Station, but it's not too isolated. (Beats the job in Missasauga... ew).

The people I work with are very cool. Laid-back and excited in a very Vancouver-ish, boom way. I work in an office with a very pretty girl and we share a great big window with a reasonable view of the smog. My workstation is a superawesome Athlon64 dualcore with 1GB of ram and TWO 19" monitors... running Gentoo Linux of course.

There are a few hiccups though. The company is using a lot of Microsoft products, the proprietary nature of which is wrecking havoc with my Linux toys. Just getting the messenger service working has been disturbingly convoluted... and don't get me started on email.

I'm happy here though. The people are cool, the office relaxing, the job reasonably complex. ...did I mention that they have a Vancouver office too? Yeah, I like it here.


22 Nov 2006, 6:33 a.m.  | 

I would like to hear more about this very pretty girl! Yessiree, I just can't get enough of that very pretty girl. Doesn't everyone love the very pretty girl?!

You so owe me a present, buster.

22 Nov 2006, 12:31 p.m.  | 

You got the job? I didn't know....congratulations, that's AWESOME!!! Yay jobs, especially cool ones at places you like.

By the way, Etobicoke ? Mississauga.

Do you want to buy a DVD player?


22 Nov 2006, 2:50 p.m.  | 

Nice to hear you like the new job. =) Heh I told you up there wasn't desolate, btw you failed to mention all the great Chinese, Japanese and Korean restaurants in the area. ;-)

22 Nov 2006, 6:04 p.m.  | 

seeing how there's a loblaws in the vicinity AND there's a great kitchen at work, why don't you just make your own healthy lunch at work in the kitchen? i think it'll help your wallet, your arteries and oh... maybe help you domesticate too. mwahahaa

you HAD to mention the very pretty girl....

22 Nov 2006, 6:05 p.m.  | 

holy wtf, what's with this whole spam moderator thing?! am i being... *gasp* precensored prior to approval?! or are you doing this because i'm on IE (i'm at school) and you don't recognize my IP?!

22 Nov 2006, 6:05 p.m.  | 

Domesticate? What am I, a puppy?

22 Nov 2006, 6:06 p.m.  | 

Dude, you weren't logged in. You're from an unknown IP. You got moderated.

22 Nov 2006, 6:07 p.m.  | 

well, if the shoe fits....

22 Nov 2006, 6:07 p.m.  | 

i did log in but then your blog logged me out the min i clicked submit. hence i had to relog in. see? now i can purposely spam your entries but in a friendly kinda way!

22 Nov 2006, 6:09 p.m.  | 

My blog didn't kick you out. You typed your password wrong. I can see it in the logs :-P

22 Nov 2006, 6:11 p.m.  | 

there are only so many ways i can misseplle ym loigin.

SOoooooooooo, tell us more about this very pretty girl... does she have long red hair? >:D

22 Nov 2006, 7:01 p.m.  | 


22 Nov 2006, 9:01 p.m.  | 

Glad to hear you're happy Dan! I knew you'd land on your feet.

Where is the office located? Sounds like we might get that lunch after all... or maybe dinner, depending on your hours. :)

24 Nov 2006, 6:56 a.m.  | 

so can you transfer to vancouver from there one day?

24 Nov 2006, 8:34 p.m.  | 

Congratulations Dan!!! Glad to hear your first days are going well, it is still the honeymoon period afterall. I love starting new jobs.

27 Nov 2006, 10:03 p.m.  | 

Pretty girl? You already have one of those.

Hook a brother up! ;)

27 Nov 2006, 10:04 p.m.  | 

Heh. Sorry dude. She's taken :-)

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