Blog /Your Vote Matters

May 02, 2011 17:05 +0000  |  Canada Democracy 0

It's already May 3rd here in Seoul, but I wanted to post here, as I always do, to remind you to vote today.

This past year weve seen millions of people in the Middle East fighting and dying for a voice in their own government, while the majority of Canadians didn't even bother to show up to our last election.

You might think that your vote doesn't matter, that our system is so screwed up that whether you show up or not has no bearing on the outcome of events. In some of our past elections, you may have been right, but not in this one. Every poll is screaming that this election is a turning point. The NDP are capturing mountains of support and some polls have the Greens taking as many as 5 seats. This is a big deal and could change the landscape of Canadian history. Yes, it is potentially that big.

Get out there, make your voice heard. Your employer must, by law allow you up to 3 consecutive hours off to vote if your work hours would otherwise prevent you from doing so. Can't make the trip? Ask a friend to drive you. This is important - seriously. It's time to change the way we do things in Ottawa.

Still not sure who deserves your vote? You've still got time, I'll get you started:


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