Blog /yahoo voodoo

September 09, 2004 18:24 +0000  |  Employment Geek Stuff 2

my company got a deal to run a yahoo ad campaign using a flash banner that would let you put some text into a text box and submit it to a search on their site. but they did it in the most convoluted and cryptic way -- all to make sure that they could track clicks on the ad etc. for the technically inclined, the setup is using flash to call javascript that writes it's own vbscript AND more javascript... it's voodoo i tell you.


9 Sep 2004, 11:48 p.m.  | 

why is it voodoo?

10 Sep 2004, 1:28 a.m.  | 

'cause it's madness i tell you! MADNESS! generally, i just refer to anything i don't understand or seems overly-complicated as "voodoo". just makes it easier to cope with ;-)

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