Blog /wind turbines and lost hours

April 05, 2004 14:49 +0000  |  Why I'm Here 4

it's one of those sadistically brutal days in toronto. the sun is up (early, thanks so much to the retard that decided that losing an hour of sleep in the spring is a good idea) and there isn't a cloud in the sky... and it's -15 with the windchill. why, may i ask did so many people settle here again?

yesterday was very much the same, but in an effort to get my ass out of the house and away from command and conquer, i went for a walk to the wind turbine here in the city. for those who don't know, toronto is home to the only urban wind turbine in Canada. it stands really, really high and is partially owned by a co-op called windshare. but on super-windy day like yesterday, it wasn't moving. i got some good pictures though, and i'll post them later on.


5 Apr 2004, 5:46 p.m.  | 

*whine whine* it was -22 with the windchill here this morning, which means its perfectly balmy in TO. ;) And why wasn't the turbine turning?

5 Apr 2004, 6:23 p.m.  | 

that's just it. i don't know why. but i did find out that windshare is 1 block from my work, so i'm gonna ask and i'll let you know.

24 Sep 2005, 7:46 p.m.  | 

wind turbine did not work because the wind exceeded the max speed at which it is safe for the turbine to work on. I hope I answered the question :)

24 Sep 2005, 7:52 p.m.  | 

thanks. i found out about a few months later after i started asking around. how'd you find my blog?

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