Blog /Seattle: Day 1

August 20, 2009 19:13 +0000  |  Seattle Travel 2

Months ago, realising that my company had this annual training budget for all of it's employees, I decided to dig around looking for conferences in interesting places that might teach me stuff and I found Gnomedex. It's in Seattle and now, so am I.

The whole thing's gotten off to a rather rough start though. I woke up at 4am to board a 0630 flight and be downtown for the conference start by 9. There was only one problem though: the conference doesn't start 'till 1900, and that's not even the real conference. it's just a mixer.

So now I'm in downtown Seattle, which is nice, but I'm totally beaten down by the early hour, which is not so nice. I do however have reasonably stable Internet access, which is pretty sweet and I'm sitting here in the hotel lobby looking for fun stuff to do in Seattle. I've already ridden the Monorail, so don't suggest that :-)

I figure I'll try to do some sightseeing today before I head down to the mixer... or maybe I'll just skip the mixer and get an early night's sleep for tomorrow. I'm not really in any condition to be social anyway.

So far, Seattle appears to be a nice little town. The streets are pretty quiet and the geographical size quite walkable. I did a reasonable-sized lap through town already, hitting Seattle Center (I feel dirty spelling it that way) and part of the shopping downtown core. If I weren't so exhausted, I'd probably be having a very nice time right now.


20 Aug 2009, 11:26 p.m.  | 

sounds like fun. i really like seattle. and there's this nifty cheese shop at pike that has really goooood cheese. if i'd have known you were heading down there, i would have told you some good places to check out.

21 Aug 2009, 4:37 a.m.  | 

Well my original plan, way back was to bring you with me, but SOMEONE decided to move to Hawaiiland :-P

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