Blog /Religulous (5/5)

September 28, 2008 06:22 +0000  |  Movies Religion 7

After Barcamp today, K-dot, Cas, Greg and I went out for food at The Cat's Meow for dinner (absolutely horrible pizza... I mean, their sauce stated like ketchup!). The conversation was good, and I finally got to meet Cas, which was pretty damn cool too. When the fooding was over however (thanks be to Cas and Greg who helped me with my ketchup-pizza), K-dot and Cas offered Greg and I free tickets to see Bill Maher's new flick: Religulous.

After a hurried commute (we had 30min to get from Granville Island to the Granville Cinema... further than it sounds) and a few wrong turns (I'm an idiot) we got there with 5min to spare and practically no seating available. Greg and I caught a pair of seats in the forward left corner and settled down for roughly two hours of hilarious flickage.

The gist of the movie is Maher's going from religious nut to religious nut, asking them rational questions about their irrational faith and then trying to get them to justify themselves. Peppered between funny stuff like comparing Santa Claus to Jesus, and the talking snake to Jack and the Beanstalk, he also interviews some rational believers (can you imagine a Vatican astronomer mocking fundamentalist Evangelicals? It's good stuff.) He then bookended his movie with serious notes about how the people who believe this stuff are the same people with access to very dangerous things and that it's about time that the rational among us stand up to this kind of sanctioned non-thinking, or we risk serious environmental and political repercussions... you know, that "end times" stuff the religious nuts are all excited about.

Great movie. I muchly recommend.


Stephen Young
28 Sep 2008, 1:25 p.m.  | 

How did you get to see this? It's release date is the 3rd. I know because I've been anxiously awaiting it.

28 Sep 2008, 4:38 p.m.  | 

It was at VIFF dude :-) What's this? It wasn't at TIFF?

Stephen Young
28 Sep 2008, 5:58 p.m.  | 

If was at tiff just unwilling to overpay for it when it will be out this coming weekend.

29 Sep 2008, 3:45 a.m.  | 

Hello!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

30 Sep 2008, 4:33 p.m.  | 

I place ads for this movie. I think it would go nicely next to the Conservative Party ads, don't you? :D

30 Sep 2008, 4:39 p.m.  | 

I agree! That's a great idea ;-)

30 Sep 2008, 11:07 p.m.  | 

Did i ever tell you that when i visited my grandmother just before i left, she told me that she thought that maybe the second coming was about to happen? The sad part was the hint of hope in her voice...

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