Blog /Overburnt but in Good Company

May 02, 2010 06:08 +0000  |  Family Stephanie 1

So the launch didn't happen as planned. Due to an absence of a few features, Annalea wanted to push back the date to May 15th and I had a hard time arguing with her on that one. The fact is that the site is very featureful and frankly, I just don't have enough time to invest in it to get it all the way to 100% done. As it is, we'll be launching on the 15th with a fraction of the features she wanted to have from the start.

One truth about web development though is that these things never go they way you plan them. Plan for a Facebook-like site and you'll never get there because the investment of time, energy and money is just so high that the site will never get off the ground without going live (at least partially) at first. So I'm not bothered by the fact that we've cut a number of features -- it's normal, and we'll launch on the 15th with something that's both useful and pretty.

This weekend, I'm up in Kelowna with The Fam. Bowing to pressure from the parents, I've brought Stephanie with me to finally meet them and it was a little rough on her but she's managed admirably. The full family showed up for dinner though, which was more of a surprise than she was probably prepared for, but she seems alright. Most of you reading this blog know that my parents are pretty cool people, but it's rough your first time out if you're in the Girlfriend role, and she seemed to do alright :-)

As for how we got here, yes, I drove. Some of you may find it hard to believe, but I am in fact a licensed driver, capable of traversing rain, snow, and hail-drenched highways -- a feat I was forced to perform yesterday, on a moonless night. The highways were really quite scary, but we did fine, so a big :-P to the doubters out there :-)

We've got one more half-day here tomorrow and then we're heading back home. I have to get some work done in that time, but tonight I think I'll just get some sleep because I'm really quite tired. Steph's hopped up on candy at the moment though so I may have to kick her out of the room. As a closing note, I'm sorry that I've not been posting much in here lately. I've just been too overrun with work to do on these three fronts. I'm not going to abandon this site, but it's likely that I won't be posting as often as I have in the past. I do have a private post up though for those who are interested :-)


3 May 2010, 5:48 a.m.  | 

I am super jealous that you guys got to take a drive up the mountain!

I would love to take a roadtrip somewhere this summer, if time and money permit.

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