Blog /nifty links

January 14, 2004 00:45 +0000  |  Nifty Links 1

a couple interesting links today:

a dumb (but curious) kid was suspended for 3 days for sending a windows popup message to everyone at his school at once. the message? "hey". damn that kid! throw his ass in jail!. (yes i'm kidding). more upsetting, though admittedly, not surprising is the response from the kids computer teacher who (again, not surprisingly) is an idiot. check out the full story here.

there's a big amount of hype circulating the web about a new movie coming out called "the corporation". it focuses on important subjects like globalisation, and the roll of things like profit, consumerism and capitalism in general in society, culture and goverment. according to a lot of reviews (and the many requests i've had from various sources to publicise the flick), it's pretty damn cool and possibly "the next bowling for columbine". i don't know if i believe it. i have, after all, not seen it yet. but i will and when i do, i'll post what i thought.

for those interested, the movie will be playing in vancouver, toronto, and ottawa in the next couple weeks. i'd suggest that you go to the site to find out more, but it licks bigtime, so i'll send to you straight goods instead.


14 Jan 2004, 8:09 a.m.  | 

thanks dan. btw did you leave that ano comment in my blog the other day?

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