Blog /New Snapshot RSS

January 02, 2008 04:53 +0000  |  Blogger Photography 5

A while back, I added a new section to this site called Snapshots, the purpose of which is to have a sort of live-photoblogging feature for the site. If I see something neat, I snap it with my camera phone and upload the pics to my site. I don't know if anyone's checked it out yet though since Melanie recently asked: "has that always been there?"

Anyway, it's been there for a while and it can be neat to browse through when you have the time. Tonight however, I added an RSS component to it so people who use aggregators can get the pics as they happen.

I don't have comments enabled in there yet, so if you see something neat, or even if you're just looking at the pics, please post a comment here.


2 Jan 2008, 6:59 p.m.  | 

I like the feature...."cliche but true a picture is worth a 1000 words......."
happy new year!!!!

3 Jan 2008, 12:18 a.m.  | 


are you referring to the actual page/idea or just the link to it? Because I remember when you came up with and implemented that idea, and I never asked if it was new. The link, though, I may have asked about, since you didn't have one for a long time.

3 Jan 2008, 1:26 a.m.  | 

Ah maybe that's it. Or maybe it wasn't you. I didn't blog about it when it happened and my memory is unreliable to put it mildly.

4 Jan 2008, 4:44 a.m.  | 

There is a picture of darkness with someone else's head in it, and this picture is titled "Lara's birthday blow job".

I think this calls for some sort of explanation.

4 Jan 2008, 3:57 p.m.  | 

Wow. That's an old picture. I have no idea what it's supposed to look like, but my guess is that someone bought you the *shooter* and it's a blurry shot of drinking it in the traditional fashion :-P

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