Blog /My Apartment

February 02, 2008 21:42 +0000  |  Vancouver 19

A lot of you have been pestering me about getting some pictures of the new place up here, so given the AMAZING weather today, I've decided to oblige with not one, but TWO videos of what I see when wake up every day.

I KNOW that you Toronto folk are jealous, but that need not be the case! You too can move to Vancouver and enjoy the awesomeness of real mountains, and the beautiful ocean and river!


2 Feb 2008, 10:39 p.m.  | 

Very cool place.......I guess I am old...I remember helping you Dad make that coffee table...actually he let me watch- back in Rosemere PQ cira 1974......Its an Antique!!!!!

3 Feb 2008, 6:52 a.m.  | 

But do you have SNOWMEN ON ROOFS in Vancouver? DO YOU???

3 Feb 2008, 7:09 a.m.  | 

Yeah, that's pretty awesome dude. I do miss the Toronto gaybourhood.

3 Feb 2008, 1:05 p.m.  | 

On the drying rack, I believe that those bits are for shoes and slippers -- helps maintain their shape while they dry.

3 Feb 2008, 5:24 p.m.  | 

Ahhh! Thanks Scott!

Colin Sun
4 Feb 2008, 5:52 p.m.  | 

Looks like a nice place and overall it's pretty darn clean which was a bit of a surprise haha. As for the outdoor video, meh I can see pretty high rise buildings in TO too. ;-)

4 Feb 2008, 8:56 p.m.  | 

True, but you can't walk 10minutes to the ocean in Toronto, and you don't have mountains either :-P

Colin Sun
4 Feb 2008, 9:49 p.m.  | 

Ouch I'm just giving you a hard time geez! Will remember to temper my comments from now on. :)

4 Feb 2008, 10:29 p.m.  | 

Sorry dude, did I come off mean? I was just rubbing it in :-P

5 Feb 2008, 4:52 a.m.  | 

I'm starting to get a bit sick of everyone picking on Toronto. Just for that, I'm never leaving this city again ever.

5 Feb 2008, 5 a.m.  | 

I'll have you know that I'm a great defender of Toronto here dude. I think Chris is starting to get annoyed at how much I talk about the city. Vancouver's got good stuff and Toronto's got good stuff... I just like Vancouver's good stuff more. Though that might change -- at the moment, Vancouver is still "new" ;-)

6 Feb 2008, 3:46 a.m.  | 

I am finding it really amazing the way almost every other city in Canada seems to like taking the piss out of Toronto so much. Did you ever end up seeing Let's All Hate Toronto, incidentally?

I really do like Vancouver. I would probably seriously consider living there if I had fewer relatives to contend with (and was less content here).

6 Feb 2008, 5:48 a.m.  | 

Nope, never saw it. But frankly, I think Torontonians are a little too obsessed with what the rest of the country thinks of their city. For the most part, people who've been there love it, and those who haven't and still hate it are just ignorant jackassess... the opinions of whom should hardly matter.

I loved your city. It's cultured and fast-paced, and the people are motivated and knowledgeable... it's just not as pretty as Vancouver and you'll forgive me for celebrating my return home in that regard.

Shawn the R0ck
6 Feb 2008, 8:20 a.m.  | 

huh..hello~Dan~I just wondering what is ur methodology for searching the Tao? Looking for something from ancient era like The Holy Bible,the book of Changes,etc?

I just known that the Tao of Laotze is not more like The Holy Bible.But The High Official in Ancient China which mentioned about Tao(word) of God is same like The Holy Bible.

What do you think?

6 Feb 2008, 5:57 p.m.  | 

Dude, I have no idea what the hell you're talking about but here's what I know:

Lao tzu wrote the Tao te Ching (Dao de Jing) with absolutely no influence by the Christian bible. Tao can be loosly translated as the way and is meant to essentially define an understanding of how the Universe is. There is a right way and wrong way to act and these rules are defined not by an external "sky bully" but through a greater understanding of how the rest of the world works.

I believe what you're referring to is reflected in the wikipedia entry:

Since Christian missionaries were among the first Westerners to study the Tao Te Ching, it is not surprising that they connected Taoism with Christianity. Assimilation of local religions often helped missionary efforts to convert the populace to Christianity. They drew many parallels between the New Testament and the Tao Te Ching, for instance, "Do good to those who hate you" (Luke 6:27, tr. NASB) and "Requite injuries with good deeds" (chap. 63, tr. Waley). Note that the Chinese Bible translates logos ("the Word") as Tao ("the Way").

This is just another example of how Christian missionaries routinely spread their poison through other cultures by co-opting the faiths and traditions of their target audience. Of course there are similarities between the teaching of Jesus and that of the Tao -- the themes are a logical extension of an understanding of the world around us.

7 Feb 2008, 6:29 p.m.  | 

Hi Dan! I was just in Toronto for 4 weeks! Now I'm back home in the Vancouver rain/ slush! Welcome home! I think you live just a bike ride away!

7 Feb 2008, 8:07 p.m.  | 

Yay for bike rides! Dude, send me an email with your contact info. I haven't seen you in years!

10 Feb 2008, 4:26 p.m.  | 

I watched your video and then started watching the videos of other people touring their apartment. One guy in Korea was crazy detailed - he was pointing out the contents of his fridge.

I really am fascinated by other people's homes.

10 Feb 2008, 4:26 p.m.  | 

OK look, I'm not obsessed with what people think of "my city" (and it's not really my city so much as where I live now). I just find it irritating when people make a point of going on at length about it, or doing the whole "haha, you people don't live somewhere pretty like I do, haha".

I'm glad you're happy in Vancouver. Let's just leave it at that. Kthxbye.

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