Blog /monday report: season finale?

March 30, 2004 01:58 +0000  |  Society & Culture 0

the cbc is out of it's mind. for most people, this is not a new concept, so maybe i've just been naive. but would someone please explain to me why the cbc is closing out a "season" of monday report in march? setting aside the fact that the show is pretty much one of the only things worth watching on the network, in fact, the show is one of the best shows on television... and pretending for a minute that most other shows don't close out for at least another month, what's the point of making a news show that's in reruns for half the year? it's not like the monday report can possibly cost as much as most of the other shows on cbc, so why not run it all year long? you don't see the daily show with john stewart showing reruns through the summer.

i've repeatedly defended the cbc as an important part of Canadian culture, but on days like this, i can't help but give some credit to the side that wants to shut them down due to mismanagement.

but for those interested in some really excellent programming (regardless of badly managed it might be) i'd like to direct you to rick's latest rant. realplayer (linux, windows, osX) required.


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