Blog /Lay Off Dion

October 21, 2008 15:18 +0000  |  Canada Liberals Politics 1

So Stefan Dion is finally leaving. After a short time in the Big Seat and holding the dubious honour as only the second Liberal Leader to ever not win a federal election, the Long Knives have come out for Dion and he's now effectively on his way out.

And while I can understand the bitterness from the Liberals (they are used to winning after all) I think that they would benefit from a step back before shouldering him with all the blame.

Where do we begin? Was it the gutting of the health care and the environment by the Liberals under Chrétien and Martin? The rise of the NDP and the Greens? What about the sponsorship scandal in Quebéc? Or maybe it was the two generations of disenfranchisement the West has had with the party since Trudeau's Salmon Arm Salute?

The fact is that the Liberals have long been in decline and frankly, they've been completely undeserving of the leadership of this country even longer. They have a lot to answer for and this typical arrogance of their being Canada's ruling party is at the root of their problems. Liberals have to stand up and take responsibility for their actions on health care, the environment, in Quebec and the West. Then and only then will they be entitled to govern this country.

So lay off Stefan. Sure he made some bad calls, but he should in no way shoulder the bulk of the responsibility for the Liberal loss. His party didn't deserve to win. It's that simple.


21 Oct 2008, 4:40 p.m.  | 

The sad thing is that I think the reason they didn't win had more to do with Dion being perceived as uncharismatic than it had to do with the party's behaviour over the last long while. I'm betting that the Liberals will be putting all their efforts into bulking up their image and finding a more charming leader rather than into fixing the big underlying issues. I hope I'm wrong.

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