Blog /I Knew that Vicky Chick Would be Trouble...

September 05, 2007 22:06 +0000  |  Moving 4

I realised the other night that I may have made a mistake when moving out of my apartment. You see, when Melanie and I were packing up my stuff, we decided that the leftover stuff -- stuff to heavy to cart out by ourselves (but easy enough for cleaners with a dolly) should be left behind. So when I closed the doors and left the key with the landlord, I expected them to find 3 big cardboard boxes full of junk I couldn't haul downstairs on my own.

However, what I failed to realise at the time, was that among the old shoes and packing peanuts left behind, "Vicky M.", the blow-up doll we used in our CCTV event a few weeks ago was rolled up in a fake-bloody ball in the corner.

I can only imagine what those people must be thinking... :-)


6 Sep 2007, 9:58 a.m.  | 

As I've learned from the maintenance staff in my old building, there's nothing they hate more than garbage left over when people move out. Your stuff, your responsibility. They'd happily lend dollies to get that crap out, but they consider it really inconsiderate that people force the removal on them.


6 Sep 2007, 10:29 a.m.  | 

Agreed with Scott. It's just bad business to leave your stuff behind like that.

6 Sep 2007, 1:54 p.m.  | 

Funny thing about my (now former) building: the managers don't like being around to do their job. Over the course of my two years there, their office hours changed from early mornings to mid evenings, to 9-4 Monday to Friday and closed on weekends. Just to drop off the keys, I had to detour there (since I was then sleeping at Melanie's) on my way to work and be late as a result. Borrowing a dolly when I was packing in the evening or even o the weekends was, (thanks to their hours) impossible.

Inconsiderate? Absolutely, but so is refusing to have someone in the office to make sure that people like me can do things like borrow dollies. I feel bad about it, but not... you know, a lot.

12 Sep 2007, 1:23 a.m.  | 

as far as rude or inconsiderate things go, this really doesn't rank very high on the list. Especially considering all of the ass things that management company has pulled on the people living in that building.

I would have graffiti-ed the walls if I thought you would have let me.

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