Blog /I am a Good Person. I am Also a Man

January 28, 2013 01:13 +0000  |  Feminism

I'd like you to imagine a centuries-long war. For the sake of this exercise, let us assume that we're talking about a Red team and a Blue team. In this world, the Blue team is dominating the Red in terms of battles won. The devotees of the Red team are both patient and determined though, and thus, over the most recent decades, we've finally begun to see the tide move in their favour, albeit very slowly.

But contrary to what you might think, the Blue team is not the men of this world, and the Red team is not the women. In fact, the Blue team is composed of the patriarchy, and those who passively participate in it, and the Red team is the handful of people fighting against it. Most importantly: there are men and women on both sides of this war.

Now since I was raised by feminists, I have, for most of my adult life been on the Red Team. I don't pretend to be an authority on gender issues, but I can assert that I am unequivocally on the side of smashing any system that treats men like violent, abusive savages, and women like property.

The Problem

Now I'd like you to imagine what it must be like to be on the front lines of a war and have your allies constantly shooting you in the back. Men, regardless of their support or opposition to the patriarchy, are constantly attacked for being men, lumped in with the rapists, harassers, and other violent offenders, and I'm done with it. I don't need to take this from people claiming to oppose patriarchy -- especially when their behaviour outright supports it by painting us with the same violent, depraved brush properly reserved for rapists and other savages.

Men are not the enemy. The patriarchy is the enemy and men and women have to stand against it together. Because just as they're hurting women by stating that they are made to be raped, they're are hurting men by claiming they were made to rape. And if you believe that men are indeed made to rape, then you are the patriarchy and therefore part of the problem.

Why You Should Care

Wars are won and lost through the selection of proper allies, and given the state of the fight against the patriarchy, we need all the allies we can get. It's no longer acceptable to make your point at the expense of 50% of the world's population. All you're doing is alienating would-be allies and supporting raging assholes like this guy.

This problem isn't going to be solved by all the women of the world getting together and attacking the men collectively. We're going to solve it by working together to make the world better for everyone. That means coming around to the idea that men don't rape, but rather, rapists rape.

Language Matters

It seems an almost insignificant nitpick though doesn't it? I mean, if most of the violence against women is in fact perpetrated by men, then why not just use "men" for the shorthand?

The problem with this line of thinking is the generalisation. Lets turn the genders around: if someone uses sex to their advantage, be it to get out of a parking ticket or to get a promotion, it's typically a woman doing it. Is it fair then to say that women manipulate men with sex? Of course not. In fact, I'm willing to bet that just suggesting this comparison got my female readers pretty riled up.

You simply can't attack an entire demographic and not expect some blow back. Use your words: rapists rape, and cat-callers harass. Yes, the perpretrators of these crimes are almost entirely male, but that's no excuse for your laziness to be used to attack good people.

I'm done being a punching bag for those too lazy to aim at the enemy more carefully. If you're going to make statements painting men as the enemy, don't expect me to let it slide. I'm a feminist, and I oppose the patriarchy. I am also a man, and I won't put up with this anymore.

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