Blog /happy samhain

November 01, 2005 03:44 +0000  |  Moments In Time Personal Life 5

i pull up in my car, picking her up from work so we can go back to my parent's house and get dressed for trick-or-treating. she opens the door, smiles at me in that way that makes my heart thump and pulls out a baggie: "happy sowan!" she giggles and hands me some chocolates she reserved for me from her work. she hates working retail, but it has it's perks. her name is jessica and it's about 5 years ago.

whenever i think of halloween, i think of jessica, the girl i let break my heart too many times, and who, from time to time i find myself wondering about. how's she doing? who's she with? she never really felt anything for me, and that's ok, but i still miss her -- even though i know full well how terrible she was for (and to) me.

but onto happier memories.

i took my first step in adult halloween life tonight. andrea and i chapperonned a bunch of little kids around the queen east neighbourhood in our own outfits and got to check out the impressive displays and chat with the parents. it was kinda neat actually, like seeing your whole childhood experience from a new angle. screaming children aside, it was a very nice night.

a decorative house
one of the most impressive things i saw tonight was this house completely tricked out with hundreds, possibly thousands of figurines. here's only a sampling of it.

my costume? i was a metrosexual, complete with suit & tie, cellphone, concrete hair, swanky walk and a power lunch. sadly though, no one outside of those who already knew me recognised it as a costume... i suppose this shouldn't be a surprise, but it's still rather sad and a bit disturbing.

but the winner of best costume has got to go to eden for her fabulous impression of willy wonka. that's nice work


1 Nov 2005, 4:46 a.m.  | 

funny thing... and i don't know why but i was thinking of jessica today too. i was thinking of the both of you.

where's the metrosexual photo you promised of yourself? i want to see please. :)

1 Nov 2005, 2:46 p.m.  | 

I have to say you look good in a suit - after laughing at you, of course! Not bad to look at (but for some reason I have a thing for guys in suits - usually just to look at though!)

AHHH here's to capitalism and all the benefits!

1 Nov 2005, 2:47 p.m.  | 

heh. thanks for the compliment
but i'm afraid i can't drink to capitalism.

as for pictures, sorry noreen, i was the only one with a camera last night and it didn't occur to me to get someone to shoot me. most of the pics i took though were pretty pasty due to the flash anyway.

1 Nov 2005, 7:46 p.m.  | 

Ha! Well of course no one's going to know it's a costume if it describes half of Toronto's population. That's like going to Mississauga in a gino costume!

Too bad about the lack of pictures.

3 Nov 2005, 7:58 p.m.  | 

*grins* Actually Woodbridge is Gino town..... but Mississausa almost comes second.

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