Blog /good day

April 18, 2004 01:23 +0000  |  Personal Life Why I'm Here 6

a great day in fact. after my last posting, i admit, i've not been in the best condition. "a mess" while not entirely accurate, is about as close as i can come up with at the moment. but i got a great email from my parents, and some additional support from my friends, so while i'm not "all better" i'm sure things will be fine.

so why is this a great day? why else? i met a pretty girl. great hair, nice smile, and fun to talk to, we walked all over this city today, going from cheesecake to the market, to a record store, to my apartment, to a steakhouse. i learned more about how the city's divided into different sections and re-discovered the "toronto hemp company" where i finally found some rope for my curtains. the company was wonderful and made for great conversation... for eight hours. somehow, things don't seem so terrible anymore.

noreen's mentioned that she'd like to get actual, named credit for being one of those cool friends with all the support through the previous post. so yes: noreen kicks ass. thanks dude.

one final note. it's now 2:32am eastern and my boys have pulled through to take us to game seven back home. after three periods of overtime... morrison bagged the game winner. just a nice end to a good day.


18 Apr 2004, 1:46 a.m.  | 

ooo ... pretty girl. ^_^
thanks for letting me grill you, dude. it's not often i get these privillages.

18 Apr 2004, 7:32 a.m.  | 

Completely off-topic here - got evanescence's "missing" for you...good copy too, no scratches or anything.

Let me know where to put it for you...

18 Apr 2004, 9:51 a.m.  | 

Yay for the Canucks! What an anxiety attack watching that game. But glad we pulled through!

(and yay for pretty girl too, those are always nice!) Is great hair one of your criteria?

Take care!

18 Apr 2004, 2:02 p.m.  | 

Pretty girls are great for improving one's outlook on the world. ;) Be sure to tell her she has pretty hair.

18 Apr 2004, 11:37 p.m.  | 

i'm starting to think that i need to write thread support into the comment engine. o well. for now, i'll go with point form:

  • noreen: no problem. anytime.
  • edge: gimme a call/msg tonight and i'll hook you up with an account on my box. you'll need an ssh client, but i think you might already have one. thanks dude, you rock
  • merry: i was waiting and waiting for that game to end... and for us to give up a 4-0 lead like that! i was going out of my mind!
  • angela: you're absolutely right. and i did tell her... maybe too many times :-)

19 Apr 2004, 2:30 a.m.  | 

Well, you'd know what works. ;)

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