Blog /Critical Mass

April 26, 2008 19:52 +0000  |  Activism Vancouver 9

The weather is warming up and as part of my enjoyment of it and in recognition that the climate here is so very accommodating to outdoor exercise, I've been spending more time on my bike. I ride to work almost every day now and so, it seemed only logical that I participate in the monthly Critical Mass ride yesterday.

From the top of the Second Narrows

For the uninitiated, here's the nuts and bolts of it: a bunch of cyclists from all over the city (and by "bunch" in this case, I mean roughly 500) gather in front of the Art Gallery, explain the rules and then, under banner "We're not blocking traffic, we are traffic!", we go for a ride. The route is typically down major arteries, the ones we as cyclists are usually terrified to use due to the scads of car traffic. Volunteers from the group stop at intersections to block traffic from entering the stream (we call them "corkers") and the rest of the group move through the city like on big bus. We ignore stop lights because for safety, we have to stay as a unit -- hence the corkers.

It was a most amazing experience really. Imagine a city with no noise. The vast majority of agitation within a city rests with cars. Remove that component and suddenly, all seems quiet. You can hear the birds for a change. For a moment, I was taken back to Amsterdam: so peaceful... but with mountains, beaches and the ocean nearby.

We went over three of the four major arteries in and out of the city: the Granville Bridge, Burrard Bridge and the Second Narrows. In each case, we stopped at the peak and paused a moment to take in the view. It doesn't take much to remind me why I live here, but damn... that was awesome.

We cruised through Stanley Park, down Davie, Denman, Pacific, Robson, Granvile, Howe, Georgia... you name it, we were on it. A most wonderful ride.

For the Toronto folk, I thought that I might mention that there were two key differences here that made this ride considerably more successful than the one I went on out East:

  1. The rules were explained before we left. In the Toronto case, there was no structure at all. Some people stopped at lights while others blocked traffic "for fun". It was chaotic and not much fun.
  2. Vancouver had a police escort. There were numerous cycle cops with us on the ride to smooth over tensions with pissy drivers (seriously, you can't wait 10minutes? Get over yourselves!) and keep everyone safe. On top of that, some motorcycle cops were bringing up the rear just to make sure that the stragglers didn't get run over by afore-mentioned drivers. Having that kind of support from the community goes a long way.

So yeah. Lots of fun. You should try it. If you drive, maybe try getting out of your car for a bit, maybe even to join the CM. You never know, you might just like the quiet.


27 Apr 2008, 5:03 a.m.  | 

Funny! I was on Robson yesterday picking something up. I saw CM and wondered if you were in the mix. And you were!

27 Apr 2008, 7:21 a.m.  | 

I'm sorry I missed you!

27 Apr 2008, 8:23 p.m.  | 

As similar to the Sun Run, I really enjoyed crossing the bridge with no traffic whatsoever. It was a very nice experience despite the cold.

Ruth Sebastian
28 Apr 2008, 3:49 a.m.  | 

Fabulous way to make a point! Sounds like a lot of fun, too. Could you just imagine the whole city with cars banned?
...maybe if gas goes up high enough ;-)

28 Apr 2008, 3:25 p.m.  | 

What a great picture! Sounds like you had a blast!

1 May 2008, 10:34 p.m.  | 

did you take the picture? it's fabulous...

i read your post and realised i totally meant to check out critical mass and totally on me!

three weeks with a bike and i'm now completely addicted...

1 May 2008, 10:58 p.m.  | 

Yep, I took this shot... with my camera phone. Can you believe it? You should totally check out CM in Toronto though. I was less impressed with them than I was out here 'cause they were more chaotic than I think they should have been given the situation but your experience may differ. Just enjoy the ride :-)

8 May 2008, 5:09 p.m.  | 

Amazing phones have come a long way. So when are you coming to visit me in the ROK?

8 May 2008, 6:27 p.m.  | 

Not for a while I'm afraid. I only get 3weeks vacation and 2weeks are already spoken for... well that and I'm way in debt from the last time I went out that way. How long are you planning to stay out there anyway? I have 3 places I want to visit still: Northern Europe, Bogota and South Korea (again)... maybe Taiwan if Emily Jane has moved down there by the time I get around that way. Tokyo would be fun if I had some company.

Damn. I need some more cash :-(

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