Blog /crazy days (continued)

November 23, 2004 02:26 +0000  |  Employment Geek Stuff 0

i borrowed my work machine over the weekend and got to rebuild it so i'd have newer, shinier software to play with during the week. this may sound insane to those ofyou who keep work and your real life as separate as possible, but for me, it's just fun. i'm now running kernel 2.6, gcc3.4 and xorg6.8. (that's good)

i'm also rebuilding this very blogger to remove fusebox completely. i found that integrating smarty along with a body of my own code will make things better and finally remove that ugly security flaw that's preventing me from releasing the code.

the last geek thing is pretty cool too. pavel introduced me to half life 2. at $60cdn, he says "it's worth every penny". and he's right. it's awesome. not really my kinda game, but if you fancy the though of being the star in your own action movie, then you should definitely buy this game.

and on the "i like money, give me money" front. i got a message from an old coworker of mine the today. he wants me to do some contract work for him, so i'll likely be busy the next couple days with that. and i need to get that (and the following post) out of the way before this weekend 'cause sheena's invited me out to her place in guelph this weekend for a housewarming party. more post and then i'm done.


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