Blog /Camera Debate Sees A First Strike

December 14, 2006 19:49 +0000  |  Society & Culture Why I'm Here 3

From the Toronto Star:

In response to local concerns about crime on the shopping and tourism strip north of the Eaton Centre, the Toronto police announced today they will install three closed-circuit television cameras along the busy street.

The CCTV cameras - which will be placed at the intersections of Yonge and Dundas Sts., Yonge and Gould Sts. and Yonge and Gerrard Sts. - will go up Monday and will remain on the roads until Jan. 7.

Their purpose, police say, is to help deter would-be criminals, and also to provide visual evidence of any crimes are committed in the area.

"The cameras are there to protect public safety," said acting Chief Kim Derry in a press release Thursday. "The have two clear purposes: deter those who may be considering committing crime, and provide evidence to identify, arrest and charge those who choose to commit crime."

Does anyone honestly believe that they'll be removed on the 7th? I love how they routinely throw around lines like "The cameras are there to protect public safety" when there is absolutely no evidence that they do anything of the sort. Criminals simply victimise people down the street where there aren't any cameras... yet.

If anyone has any background or research on this issue, please send me what you have, sources included.


15 Dec 2006, 8:08 a.m.  | 

cc cameras do work as crime deterrent in high crime areas. perhaps they should install those & jane and finch. placing them in downtown area is just useless, and looks like they taken a page from englishmen across the atlantic. if they aren't removed, once can climb the pole and dismantle it.

15 Dec 2006, 8:08 a.m.  | 

your blog isn't utf-8 friendly :-(

15 Dec 2006, 1:13 p.m.  | 

I know! I've been trying to make it UTF-8 friendly for MONTHS without success. I wanna sit down with you and talk about it whenever you have some time.

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