
September 24, 2008 16:01 +0000  |  Maps PHP Programming Software 3

I just read a nifty post on monkeycycle about how to geocode an spreadsheet with free tools from Google and Yahoo and it occurred to me that this is probably the kind of thing people go looking for so I thought that I'd post my latest shiny new bit of code here.

I call it a cascading geocoder. The idea being that most of the time, a single geocoding service is pretty good, but sometimes it goes down, and other times it can't understand the address. For the purposes of the project I'm working on, this wasn't permissible, so I wrote some code that attempts to code an address first with Google, then if that fails, it uses's engine.

It's fully object oriented and very clean. It's also GPL. Download it here if you're interested ^_^