Blog /I am Blue

November 17, 2008 16:46 +0000  |  Miscellaneous 6

Those of you who have seen me in person over the last week are probably not surprised by this picture, but I thought that I'd post it here both for posterity and for those of you who read this blog and are not on Facebook where I posted this initially.

Me in Blue

My reasoning behind all of this was actually pretty simple: I'd not done it before and I wanted to know what it was like. I then coupled this reasoning with the understanding that blue hair is an impediment to be taken seriously in the political arena, so if I was ever going to do this, the closer to "when I was young and stupid" the better.

My grandparents laughed considerably.

For the most part, it's the strangest feeling. I walk down the street and I get odd looks from strangers (especially children) and for a moment, I forget why -- it's not like I can see my hair all the time. I also surprise myself when passing a mirror.

The strangest part of all of this though is that strangers actually seem more comfortable around me. Sitting on the bus with a seat free next to me, I've found that young, attractive women seem to sit next to me more often now. What's the deal ladies? You dig the blue-types?

Sadly, the colour is far from permanent. Over the past week it's slowly faded from a brilliant blue to a teal, and eventually I'm sure it will be a nasty green. I'm not sure what I'll do then. Probably dye it again with something more subtle like a deep red and then just shave it off before the Ashley's wedding in December... I dunno. Suggestions from the hair dye experienced are welcome :-)


17 Nov 2008, 5:55 p.m.  | 

Blue hair requires frequent re-dyeing to keep it looking good. When you do decide to dye over it, make sure you go with a colour dark enough to cover any remaining blue tinges. When I tried to dye over my blue hair, I chose a lighter medium brown and because it didn't totally cover the blue, it caused my hair to have a puke green cast to it .. that was not cool. I then dyed it red which cancelled out the green.

I think people probably just find the blue interesting. It's not something you see every day and looks neat, and could make you more approachable in that sense. So that may account for your experience.

17 Nov 2008, 6:57 p.m.  | 

I think you should dye it chocolate brown something a tad bit lighter than that if you want to cover the blue. i don't know if the colour will take. from the looks of it, your hair looks pretty dark from that pic. whatever you do, do NOT dye it jet black. you'll look like a ghost. worst case scenario, you can always shave it off. at least you'll get your natural colour back. please don't dye your hair blue again. i dunno, i like you better as a carrot head. :p

17 Nov 2008, 7:03 p.m.  | 

haven't seen you in person yet so can't say for sure but i did warn you about turning green/teal from experience! a reddish brown will probably cancel out the weird greenness later.

21 Nov 2008, 11:14 p.m.  | 

I did blue highlights a few years ago - loved it. I did redye it fairly requently to keep it a brilliant blue... I can't stand the partially faded look. I say redye as long as you want to stay blue, then get professional advice. ;)

23 Nov 2008, 7:08 p.m.  | 

You should put a bit of dye in your conditioner, that will help it from fading so fast :)

23 Nov 2008, 8:35 p.m.  | 

That's an excellent idea Audrey! Next time I guess :-)

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