Blog /Everything Is Still Not "OK" But It'll Do

January 20, 2007 19:06 +0000  |  Personal Life 5

After my last post, I decided to take the night off. Colin suggested a full vacation but given that that wasn't an option at the moment, his secondary solution was to turn off the phone and remove myself from my life for a while. I can't say that this "fixed" me 100%, but I'm definitely feeling better today. I even went through my mountain of emails and those I didn't respond to, I at least marked as "read" so they won't be hanging over me anymore.

The plan, (at the moment at least) is to lay off the unnecessary things. No more tv (downloaded or otherwise) and to force myself to have at least 2 nights a week where I turn off my phone and vacate my life for a while. It's not much, but it's the best I can manage at this point.

I'll post more as I wade through this.


20 Jan 2007, 8:22 p.m.  | 

Hey Dan,

I'm glad to hear you're feeling a little better. I feel for you, it can be tough sometimes, and often its hard to recognize burnout before it completely takes you out of commission. If I can help with anything (TPSC or otherwise) let me know. I do highly recommend a vacation, even if it is just a day or weekend trip, either with the g/f, friends or guys. Feel free to drop by sometime for something relaxing (I promise no TPSC - kick me if I lie) :)


21 Jan 2007, 3:55 a.m.  | 

Awww, thanks for the offer, but I'm thinking that with this new plan I should be able to handle everything. I was thinking we could talk TPSC cameras stuff this week sometime. I'll work that out over email though. Don't worry about me, there's still fight left in me yet.

As for a vacation, it's not really an option at the moment. I've only been with Bodog for a couple months now -- I guess my vacation was when I was looking for work :-(

22 Jan 2007, 8:03 p.m.  | you know what it feels like to be a fashion student! j/k

Hope you feel better though, you plan for de-stressing is a good one. I would say we should go for a relaxing future's coffe but i guess that's not an option t the moment...

If you do happen to take a vacation, you should come to London! I don't start school for another month.

Also, laura and i now have a blog on livejournal. how do i make it pretty?

22 Jan 2007, 9:46 p.m.  | 

Heh. Thanks dude. I'll likely fly through London when I go to Europe at the end of this year, but I think you'll be back by then. Just as well I suppose, I don't really have any intention of spending much time there anyway.

As for LiveJournal, I have no idea dude. They have some templates etc. that you can apparently use, but since I don't use LJ for anything, I wouldn't know where to start.

24 Jan 2007, 3:33 a.m.  | 

Call me if you ever need to, but you already know that!

Since I started this job here in Boston, I'm just too exhausted to come home and go back on the computer. As a result, I never reply to emails anymore. I feel pretty bad because it kind of means I'm losing touch with a lot of my close friends back home but for the sake of your own sanity, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Wow, you got more than just a two line comment from me tonight. I must -really- care about you to stay on the computer long enough to write all this ;)

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